~An Author's PreApology To All of the Characters~

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Hello! This is just a very brief thing-a-majig at the beginning of this particular fanfiction. 

Nothing bad, just a couple of things I want to call out before you begin. 

1. This is not what you would call a 'normal' Tinker Bell fanfiction. Unlike about 99.9% of the Fairy fandom, it does not center it's focus on a romance (though there is definitely one in there if you look ;)). Instead, it takes a more...Marvel approach to storytelling. (You'll understand what that means soon enough).

2. I wrote this originally almost 10 years ago. It was supposed to be a birthday gift for my best friend who, at the time, loved anything to do with Tinkerbell. I myself had never seen a single movie and what little I knew about the fandom came from the one eye-spy-picture book I had received from my aunt a couple years before. (I was thirteen at this time). So, taking what little knowledge I had about the world and the characters, I attempted to flesh out a story that I could both enjoy writing and that she would like (she likes romance, though, perhaps not the same shipping as me *wink wink*). At this time, the only more grown up shows I had to go off of were all the Marvel movies I had just begun to watch.

(About halfway through the story, however, I realized I actually needed the show's knowledge and so, at almost 14, I watched my first Disney Fairy movie and instantly fell in love with a...certain someone...)

This is why it turned into a superhero novel instead XD

3. I have...slightly updated this since that point (thirteen-year-old me had a taste for vengeance apparently), but for the most part, I have kept the core storyline and plot intact, which is why you will see in some parts I have an increased writing skill and some places it might feel lacking (I was also still learning how to write anything that wasn't dialogue). Please pardon that, as I said, it is an old story and does not reflect the writing skills of the following three books in the series.

4. It is rated PG-13 for fantasy violence (though I toned a lot of it down, like I said, Marvel and thirteen-year-olds do not apparently mix well lol).

Okay, that's all I got! Step foot inside and allow me to completely rewrite what you think you know about the Disney Fairy franchise. 


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