Chapter 16: Darkness Unfurled

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Despair hit him like a bolt of electricity, sharp and fast. He wanted to scream. He wanted to run and hide. He wanted to wake up from this awful nightmare and realize that none of this had ever happened, that he was just an ordinary tinker, and he hadn't killed one of his best friends.

But it had happened. It was real. And Tinkerbell was dead.

The pain exploded through his heart, and he dropped to his knees and buried his face in his hands, sobbing uncontrollably. "No," he moaned over and over. "No."

Two big hands grasped his shoulders and pulled him roughly away from Tink. He desperately clung to her, but Clank was stronger, and Bobble was left crying against his best friend. "What have I done?" he whimpered helplessly. "What...what have I done?"

"It wasn't your fault," Clank tried to reassure him. "It was Shade. He tipped 'is shield. You couldn't have done anything." He patted Bobble awkwardly on the back, unsure what to say to make him feel better.

"Phineas," Queen Clarion whispered gently. "Are you all right? Are you hurt?"

He shook his head weakly. "I'm...I'm fine." He gazed helplessly at his hands. They were shaking, much like the rest of him. He could still see Tink's look of horror as the blast had been turned upon her. All of his anger and rage, finally brimming to the surface, the fury that was intended for Shade, had misfired. It had killed her. And he hadn't been able to stop it.

A horrendous chuckle bubbled up from behind them, and as Bobble stood slowly, he turned to find Shade already on his feet, stumbling toward him, a wicked grin plastered across his face. "You really thought you could save them?" he jeered. "You're a monster, just like me. Just look at what you did to her."

The shaking grew worse. Everything was dark. Dark, and red. He didn't know what happened next, but somehow, his knife found its way into his quaking hands. He saw Shade. The evil Protector, the reason Tinkerbell was dead. He could see nothing else. His hatred had reached its boiling point.

Clank seemed to notice something was wrong. "Bobble?" he questioned. "What're you doing?"

But he couldn't hear him. Blood was rushing through his ears, and he could focus on nothing else. This sparrowman, this fairy, had killed Tink. And by the Pixie dust Tree, he wasn't going to get away with it. "Ye killed her," he snapped. "Ye did! A-and now, you're gonna pay for it!"

He didn't think, he just acted. Screaming in anger and pain, he lunged forward. He didn't see the knife go in, or the look of utter shock spread across Shade's face. Behind him, he heard the others shriek and he fell back with a stumble. He felt the blood oozing over his hands and he gasped in shock when he realized what he'd done. He lost his balance and toppled onto his back, crying out as Shade lurched forward...

...and disappeared in a plume of smoke.

Almost as if he had never been there in the first place.

As was impossible for him to die...



Clank was at his side in a moment, heaving him up and pulling him away from where the evil fairy had stood. The Protector put up no fight as he was jerked back. Tears of fear began to roll down his cheeks and he looked up desperately at the Queen. "I...I...I'm sorry...I...didn't mean to--"

Her stare was blank with shock. Sadness was written all over her face. There was a clatter of swords and Scarab appeared at their sides. "What did I miss?" she breathed. Then, she spotted the red all over Bobble's hands. "Oh."

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