Chapter 12: Divergent

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"It's clear that you have a lot of power, and a lot of heart," Scarab spoke calmly and firmly. As she lectured, she began setting up one of the targets at the far end of the field near the vined tunnel where they had first entered. "And Clarion was right about some things. Both are equally important in stopping Shade, but, alone, they are not enough."

"So," she added. "We're going to start with the basics." She lifted her porcupine quill and spun it tauntingly. "I assume you know at least the general concept of fencing? Yes?" She jabbed the end toward him, and he jumped back in fright.

"Hang on just a moment!" he protested. "Can ye go back to the part about Pixie Hollow bein' attacked? When did that happen? Is everyone okay?"

"Less talk, more fight," Scarab replied, twirling around and thrusting the quill at him once more.

He darted back onto a boulder near the waterfall. "What happened?" he repeated, lowering his weapon. "The Queen said he wouldn't go after the Hollow because I wasn't there!"

Scarab shrugged. "Guess she was wrong." She didn't sound too upset about this. But that didn't make sense. Wasn't Clarion her queen as well? Bobble frowned, but Scarab ignored him. "But you can't be any help to them if Shade kills you the moment you step across his borders. You need to learn to defend yourself." She narrowed her eyes, as though sizing him up. "How long have you been here anyway?" she snapped. "How long since your arrival?"

"Uh...a while, and--HEY!" While he was speaking, she had taken off, zipping around him and prodding him roughly in the back with the spear. He jumped away, wincing as his wings momentarily gave out and he landed roughly on a fallen oak. "What was that for?"

"Your wings," Scarab said sharply, ignoring his question. "What happened to them?"

"They got burned and...what are ye doin'?" He twisted around, finding her coming up behind him to stare at his wings. He stepped away from her, turning to face her and looked up with large eyes.

"You were hit with one of Shade's spells," she whispered, lowering her quill. Then, without warning, she lunged forward and grabbed his shoulders tightly. "How long ago did this happen?" she demanded.

"Uh...not too long ago." Bobble rubbed the back of his neck, trying to think. "A few days, mebbe. long was I out?"

"Three days."

"Oh...okay, then, it's been almost a week. Wait...did ye say three days?" He gaped, watching as she stepped back and folded her arms. "I was out for THREE DAYS? No wonder Shade took Pixie Hollow! I...I have to get back!" He dropped the spear and darted for the exit. "My friends...I have to make sure they're all friends..."

"They're fine!" Scarab snapped, shooting in front of him with a burst of fast-flying talent, blocking his exit and forcing him back. "You need to calm down! You aren't thinking straight!" She tried to grab his arm, but he twisted away at the last moment. "Phineas! WAIT!" She flew after him, but he ignored her, whizzing through the vined gates toward the outer gardens. "PHINEAS KETTLETREE, I AM ORDERING YOU TO STOP!"

But, he didn't stop. He didn't even slow down. Scarab wasn't the boss of him. She couldn't tell him what he could or could not do. No one could tell him what to do. He was a Protector, not a slave.

Except for Queen Clarion and Fairy Mary.

A jolt of fear coursed through his body as he realized what he'd been thinking. How rebellious he had suddenly become. That wasn't like him. He never disobeyed authority.

And yet, there he was, running away as fast as his faltering wings would carry him.

And why? Because he was being a coward. At that moment, he didn't care about Pixie Hollow, or his friends, he could hardly breathe, let alone think. He needed to get away. He needed to process everything, not get stabbed repeatedly with a weapon that he had absolutely no idea how to use.

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