Chapter 4: A Mystery Solved

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Lightning flashed, showering the heavens in gold. A crack of thunder rolled outside the window and fat raindrops splattered against the roof, crashing to the earth amid torrents, causing tiny streams to gush down the hill toward Tinker's Nook. In every sense of the word, the storm had only grown stronger. 

Tink sighed, watching the squall from the safety of her desk. Lying open in front of her was the book from Dewey. She was rereading it for the umpteenth time, searching for any clue that might help her locate the fairy behind all of this. Fairies, she corrected herself. There had to be more than one, she was sure of it now. She was positive that at least three talents had been revealed. She counted them off in her head; Light, Water, and Storm. Two Life talents and one of Death. There had to be two Protectors in Pixie Hollow. That was the only way any of this made sense.

And she was pretty sure she knew where at least one of them lived.

Storm talent had been the first power revealed. The Protector of Death had to be in Winter. It was the only logical conclusion. But what about the Protector of Life? Light and Water were both signs of another. But who? It had to be hard enough for one fairy to hide, pretending to be normal. But two? Surely someone would have noticed. It wasn't like whoever it was could be inconspicuous. Not when they were going around causing storms day after day. Someone had to have seen them.

And if Nyx is right, they aren't even trying that hard to hide.

She had to figure this out. It was beginning to get irritating. No one seemed to know anything. Was that real or were they actually covering for someone? She had to know. The suspense was killing her.

Sighing, she turned the page in the book, her eyes quickly scanning the paper which was filled with graphs and charts from Scarab's research. Something about a power transfer. It didn't really make much sense. Even many of the words the animal-talent was using were foreign. Tink stared at the book in annoyance. Why can't the ancient fairy use words that make sense?

She rolled her eyes and pushed the book away from her with a scowl. Once again, her mind reverted back to what she knew. Two Protectors in Pixie Hollow. Right under her nose. Right under everyone's noses. How can a fairy that isn't even trying to hide be so difficult to find?

Another crash of thunder. She glanced out the window, watching leaves twirl by and the rain drench the earth. It seemed the storm was getting worse. When she'd been in Spring, the sky had been cloudless, but ever since she'd come back to Tinker's Nook, the weather had begun to change. It started with heavy dark clouds in the distance and the howling wind quickly followed. It was nothing like the previous storm. It was darker...scarier...than anything she'd ever seen. And it seemed to be getting progressively worse.

Where are they? Who are they?

And why hasn't anyone seen anything?

No doubt someone was covering for at least one Protector. It went against all odds for no one to notice anything out of the ordinary. But who? And why not tell anyone? Were they afraid of what the others might think about them? Surely, though, it would be better for them to reveal themselves than to remain anonymous? Especially if the legends were true and Pixie Hollow was in danger. Did they not know? Or simply not care? She couldn't think of any fairy who would stand by and let their home be destroyed, but, somehow, she had to believe that they knew what was happening. That left fear. She understood this one. If she were the Protector, she'd be afraid to learn that she had more than one talent. And keeping it would be so taxing. And trying to come off as normal would be no easy feat either.

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