appreciation (S2/C12)

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Disclaimer; i don't own Yugioh or the Characters from this show


Staffel.2; new beginning

Chapter.12: appreciation


Everything is going great, no one is too extremely conspicuous, no one does anything extravagant and stupid, everything went well and it has only been 20 minutes since the teacher's light went out. So if you count the time before you were snapped at as punishment, then 45 minutes have already passed and that out of three hours. Okay, actually only two hours. Normally each hour was counted towards how many hours you had put on the show and here it only turned out to be a double hour! The last hour is basically just an add-on for the masterminds to stay under surveillance to clean up the mess they instigated. However, those who are concerned are too "smart" to take part, because after all we are talking about a thief who doesn't put up with things so easily if it doesn't suit him and in the other hand we have a grave keeper, Malik, with whom you can must speak carefully as he is known for his temperament change. And nobody wants that! As fate would have it, however, only precautions were taken in advance! And since the teachers aren't exactly stupid either, they were directly occupied with tidying up so that later, at least they couldn't avoid it! It's up to you what you decide to do, whether you rush to save time on your sentence or do your thing to spoil everyone's spirits! Well, the first one was chosen to get away from the action as quickly as possible! In that respect, the others had it a little better at that time, yes, you knew that. Enjoying their freedom was also what they did and nothing else...

In the detention room, everyone else did other activities that he himself preferred at the moment. Ju writes a song in memory of his friends. The word 'souvenir' might be the wrong word here, but suits their relationship well! Which again is difficult to explain. 'I wonder how Taicho always has the shaft?! That's so hard!' He looks at his piece of paper and draws his rough concept. '*internal sigh* I'll manage... somehow...!' But before he could devote himself to anything else, a mobile phone rang, his, and he looked at it in amazement and yet slightly questioning. He wonders why his pal Mark is calling him, which he never does, but he doesn't question it. So he put writing aside for now and continued to work on his cell phone, unless there were lucid moments when a good line appeared in his mind. It's all too well known that when you remember something, you quickly forget it the next second, but only if it's not written down does it take an uncertain amount of time until it comes back. This problem was not the case with Yugi working on Kaiba's laptop. He is working on his Kaiba Corp project, which will soon be completed, because the delivery is tomorrow and time is running out, so he has to hurry. The others finished quicker than he did and that's only because his is more time consuming and he had little time through his work. The only annoying thing is that Kaiba observed his progress, but he only rated it at the end of the timeline. That was the only thing that bothered Yugi so much, because otherwise he didn't really let himself be distracted, but if someone comes up with something, then he just can't say no. That's just his make! On the other hand, what annoys him in the end but still makes him happy and at the same time makes him happy. He was asked if he would like to play a game of Duel Monsters with Tristan and Marik, to which he would never say no, unfortunately he couldn't. In the end, at Tristan's request, Marik played a round of duel monsters, which quickly degenerated. A round turned into a few more, a simple and harmless 'friendly' game turned into a competition that even attracted the others to join in.

The only ones in the room were Seto, Yami and Ryou who didn't feel like joining in. Ryou was on the edge towards the windows and facing the front of the teacher's desk. He sat relaxed and playfully let both of his legs hang out of the window sill. After making himself comfortable again, Yami moved to join him by beginning to lean against the board, who was once again standing with his arms crossed and his legs crossed. Yami looked over at the gaming table and then at the door and then at Ryou. "Hey" he greeted him. "Hey" Ryou replied smiling. There was silence for a while before Yami started talking. "Hey Ryou? Can I ask you something?" The addressed Hikari looked up at Yugi's Yami. "Uhhhh...sure!?" he answered quite unexpectedly and startled that he suddenly had company. "What do you think of Bakura anyway since...we got back?" This question was asked so surprisingly that it was difficult for Ryou to find the right words. That made him very uncomfortable, especially with so many topics that are connected to his dark or rather brought connection! "A...well, uhhh, I don't know, I think it's okay..." he stammered slightly, too nervous to give his statement any clarity. Yami noticed his discomfort and let Ryou know that whatever he says is okay. He didn't know exactly Ryou's mannerisms, unlike how he does Yugi, but according to his good judgment, he could say with a clear conscience that all three Hikari's are to some extent the same, but just put it differently and do or doing the best not to convey weakness to anyone. "Well...I have to say...Bakura is fine overall!" A smile graces his face. "Sure he's had his ups and downs but that's only human and from what I and others know I appreciate him...kinda...! Don't get me wrong I just think it's worth considering since your life didn't seem exactly enjoyable but you still fought for it... you know what I mean!?" Yami nodded his head in confirmation before Ryou continued. "And besides, he's also my Yami, my dark self, I think that's why I should forgive him and from his point of view he had done the right thing in a way! Yes, he was too obsessed with his hate and all let him lead when he was younger and chose a dark path, but that can also be forgiven once he is led into the light!" Even Yami smiled slightly after this statement "Yes, there is something to it! ... And what about Marik?" This question, while also awkward, was easier to answer "Huh? Well, I didn't really hang out with him so I don't know enough about the dark side of Malik to answer it, but once I'm told I can say that he too has his legitimate reason for all his actions. Because as far as I can tell he's just born out of all the hate and stuff that Malik had been building up after all these years, right?" another nod. "Hmmmm...Well from what I know, from who I've been told and from what I've seen in the last week and a half, I think he can be forgiven too. However, technically Malik is his here thing when it comes to Marik!" "I think I can understand these statements well!" Ryou lifted his head slightly and looked left at Yami, tilting his head before asking "What do you want the knowledge for?" "Let's just say that it made me a little curious what you three think of the fact that we're back! Especially with your two disturbed darks!" "I see..." "And while we're at it, what do you think of the newcomers?!" Ryou looked straight up at the field again when the boy Julian caught his eye he spread the corners of his mouth onto his cheeks, closed his lids slightly and tenderly replied "Well I find them quite pleasant, different but nice and as it seems to be coming They get along well..." Ryou joined in the question, knowing from Yami what a difficult hurdle he is feeling at the moment.

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