☆Bill Kaulitz×reader☆

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(Enemies to Lovers)

Once upon a time, there was a girl named Y/N. She was a confident and independent woman who had always been the top of her class. Y/N was a hardworking individual who didn't let anyone stand in her way. She was driven and determined to achieve her goals, no matter what.

Y/N had just started college, and she was excited about this new chapter in her life. However, she soon realized that there was someone who was standing in her way. That someone was none other than Bill Kaulitz, the most popular guy in college. He was a handsome young man with piercing brown eyes and jet black hair that fell over his forehead in a messy but stylish way. He had a bad boy reputation and was the heartthrob of all the girls in college.

Bill was always surrounded by a group of friends, and Y/N hated how they acted like they owned the place. They were loud and obnoxious and often disrupted her study sessions. She despised the way they would always make fun of her for being a hard worker and always studying. They would call her a nerd and a bookworm and make fun of her glasses.

Y/N couldn't stand the sight of Bill, and he couldn't stand her either. They were like oil and water, always clashing and never getting along. They would argue and bicker at every opportunity they got, and they both knew that they were each other's mortal enemy.

However, things started to change one day when Y/N and Bill were forced to work on a project together. They had to put their differences aside and work together towards a common goal. They were both hesitant at first, but as they started to work together, they realized that they weren't so different after all.

Y/N started to see a different side of Bill, a more vulnerable and sensitive side that she never knew existed. She saw that he was more than just a pretty face and a bad boy reputation. He was passionate about music and had a deep love for his family. He was kind and caring towards his friends and would do anything to protect them.

As for Bill, he saw a different side of Y/N as well. He saw that she was more than just a hardworking and driven individual. She was intelligent and had a great sense of humor. She was also caring and compassionate towards others.

Y/N and Bill started to spend more time together, and they realized that they had a lot in common. They both loved music and would spend hours discussing their favorite bands and artists. They both enjoyed reading and would often recommend books to each other.

Before they knew it, Y/N and Bill had become good friends, and their hatred for each other had turned into a deep and profound love. They had gone from being enemies to lovers, and it was a journey that they wouldn't trade for anything.

Y/N and Bill graduated from college together, and they went on to pursue their dreams. Y/N became a successful lawyer, while Bill pursued his passion for music and became a famous rockstar.

They had each other's backs through thick and thin, and they knew that they would always be there for each other no matter what. Their love story was one that was filled with ups and downs, but it was a love story that was worth telling.

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