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 Allison Lily Marie Namikaze is the daughter of Kaya Namikaze Souma Namikaze along with being the youngest sister of Minato Namikaze

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 Allison Lily Marie Namikaze is the daughter of Kaya Namikaze Souma Namikaze along with being the youngest sister of Minato Namikaze. She is known as one of the hero's of Konoha (Leaf Village), for what she did putting other's lives before her self but not without consequences that would affect her in the future down the line and how people including her brother would see her for what she did which she would learn to come to terms with and deal with when the time came down the line.

Namikaze's were a well respected family in the village which people listened to and took advice from. Minato was 10 years older than his little sister who needed nothing but love from her parents but never got it. They never wanted another child and girls were not respected in the family so at the age of 10 years old with the permission of the Hokage he got an apartment and took in his baby sister knowing all she needed was love and care and he would give it to her.

Allison Never got the blonde hair that ran in the family but she got dark brown with blue eyes like her brother and looked the spitting image of him and people could at times mistake him as her father because of the relationship they had grown up because it was not a brother-sister one but a father-daughter relationship which made them closer than ever and Minato would not change it for the world.

Allison was a smart young girl who knew how to get her way out of trouble with her dad when she was little. She picked up learning anything seen or heard around her. She was smart when she was little into getting things on the highest shelves or even opening a cupboard. She was the Apple of both her big brother in his eyes she could never do anything wrong. She would pick up things pretty easily which everyone noticed with how the little girl would act and her Brother could not be prouder of her.

She would follow Minato around like a little lost puppy which he loved more than ever having his little sister by his sister knowing he could protect her more. Her first word she called him was Nato since she could not say his whole name which made his heart swell with joy and happiness when she started walking and talking for him with him doing it all on his own from a young age and he would never change it for the world getting to be raise his little sister.

His parents tried reaching out and even taking Allison who would bite them and run off to Minato hiding behind him. He lost it each time they tried to come near him and they seen the mistake they made by letting her go but knew they could never fix the bonds they broke with their son and the ones they never got to make with their daughter from the decisions they made giving up on her when they should have been the ones to raise her.

As she got older Minato explained to her, he was her brother but she did not care because even from a young age, she understood what he was saying and decided to call him dad because he was the person who raised her and was there to rely on her when she had no one else in her life. He gave her a purpose and meaning in her life never giving up on her and throwing her away like their parents did with her which broke the little girl's heart when she learned the truth.

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