Cheer Up!!!

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About a week later, Katsuki was seen leaning his back on the gates of Konoha, waiting on Boja and Andy to get back.

He looked at his watch, seeing that it was late morning and Naruto and the others still haven't gotten back yet...

Katsuki: Tch...

He waited with impatience but then heard the murmurs of the Frontstreet Konoha People.

When he looked at them, he saw the disgust in their eyes. Recognizing he was from the backstreets - thanks to the way he dressed...

Some people even walked close to him to show their disdain or even pour their drink onto him. Others, stomped on his foot and though he wanted to say something...

He knew he couldn't, so he just endured the pain. After a while, a couple of ninja came up to him...

Katsuki: ?

K.Ninja 3: Nice fake Headband.

Katsuki: ...

K.Ninja: Alright kid, time to go.

Katsuki: ... What?

K.Ninja 3: You heard us.

Katsuki: I'm not doing anything, I'm just waiting for some people.

K.Ninja 2: That may be, but you're disturbing everyone else.

Katsuki: I'm not doing anything. I thought you Frontstreeters stood for freedom. So why is it that I have to leave?

The biggest one stepped forward, looking down at him...

K.Ninja 4: Quit while you're ahead and leave now, we're not gonna tell you again.

Katsuki: ...

He didn't know what to do in this situation. Everyone now looked at him with a look of unwelcomeness...

The fact that Konoha got this bent out of shape for one person...

Gen and the others told him to just wait at home for the two but he was impatient...

Naruto and the others should've been back this morning and they weren't which had him worried.

Even though everyone wanted him to leave...

He wasn't going anywhere...

He leaned back on the gate with his arms crossed and avoided their glares, saying...

Katsuki: As soon as my friends come back, I'll leave. Till then, I'm staying right here.

They clicked their tongues and made a motion that showed that he was about to get hurt...

He braced himself calmly, this wasn't new to him but then they heard...

Hiashi: I wouldn't if I were you.

They stopped and looked at Hiashi Hyuga who was nearby, buying some things for his daughter's return...

He didn't even look at them as they looked at one another before saying...

K.Ninja: Lord Hiashi...

K.Ninja 4: You know this filth?

Hiashi: No, that I do not.

He looked at them and said...

Hiashi: But, I do know of who he and the rest of The Red Light District affiliates themselves with.

His eyes lowered, saying...

Hiashi: Does a Naruto Uzumaki sound familiar?

They almost sounded choked up, hearing the red headed demon's names...

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