1-800-Cinderella (17)

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Okay, sorry for the wait after I teased you. I'm on Spring Break so expect some uploads for a while :D Also, this story will be moving on ahead now because I'm into the main plot of the story. I'm so excited. I'm trying to finish this bad boy as fast as I can so I have one less thing to write. Lmao Check out my newest story Slutty & Proud if you get a chance. PLEASE vote on this and comment, always means a lot. Enjoy :)

Airports are one of the easiest places to people watch, other than the mall. Like this person walking by…Hello, pink was so Elle Woods and Sharpay Evans ago. Oh and this man sitting on a bench…Molesting burgers in public literally makes people think you have issues. Then the dude beside me…chester molester beards aren’t okay, ever. I rested my elbows on my knees as I waited, and waited, and waited. When the freak does her flight get here, this was ridiculous?

After the insane encounter with Trevor—which made no sense at all—I decided that I was going to put it out of mind. I mean, what was the worse that could happen? All we were going to do was go back to work and start our dodging and fighting routine all over again. It was quite shameful I might add.

When in the hell does her flight land? My God, I have to spend more time with Ben. That was another thing. If Morgan said anything to ruin what I have established with Ben…I was going to have her head on a platter up above my future fireplace and I mean it.

“Flight 4234 has landed,” the lady on the intercom announced.

Finally appeased, I stood up and held up a poster board that I stole from this little girl that was standing around looking a little lost. She didn’t even notice a thing. I ended up writing Morgan’s stupid name on it with a Sharpie I found in my purse. I didn’t even know I had that.

After holding up the sign for quite a while—my arms were straining—I finally spotted Morgan flirting with some guy with Starbucks in his hand. With a roll of my eyes, I threw my sign to the ground and stomped over to her, snatching her away.

“…Holy—Oh my God, Cindy!” she squealed, pulling me into her arms. I so loved the feeling of her fake plastic boobs on my face. “It has been forever! I’ve missed you so freaking much. Eek!” she squealed. I rolled my eyes to the ceiling and then gave her a beautiful fake smile, the one I used to use at the operator desk when I answered phones.

“Morgan, wow, you look great.” I pulled back to look at her. Her hair was red and blazing, her eyes a gorgeous green. It was way too easy to objectify her. The girl was half naked. That’s how she got pregnant in the first place.

“You too, Cindy. So, what crazy things are we going to get into?” She linked her arm with mine on our way out to the parking lot.

I pursed my lips to keep from saying something exceptionally rude. I am going to try so hard to be nice to my damn sister. “First I need to drop by the grocery store, if you don’t mind…”

“Remember when we used to go grocery shopping with ma? She’d always give in and buy us those cheap little zebra cakes and all those sodas when we’d beg.”

I smiled a little at the reminiscing. That was when mom was happy with us. Now she hates Morgan for becoming pregnant, and hates me for taking the burden of it. Being disappointed in one kid was okay, but in both was not. Nothing to be done now but to keep living my life and sending her Mother’s Day cards in the mail that she never responded to.

“Yeah, I remember,” I whispered.

Morgan chatted my ear up all the way to the damn store, and as I pulled out a cart to begin my spree with my grocery list, I about had enough. My God, she talked so much I could bang my head against the wall. She was for sure Ben’s mother because he was always talking too. The only difference was that he talked about intelligent things. Morgan on the other hand…She talked about celebrity gossip and sex. I did not care about all the guys she hooked up, honestly. After Ben, you’d think she’d stop.

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