Kahar- Raya Special

240 19 11

2001 (Kahar 12)

"Assalammualaikum!" A family greeted from outside the house.

"Waalaikummussalam, mak ngah, pak ngah, masuk lah," Raif welcomed them, walking down the stairs to shake hands with them.

"Hi abang raif! Selamat hari raya!" A 12 year old boy greeted with a big smile.

"Hafiz, ye selamat hari raya," Raif greeted back with a friendly smile.

"Ayah kamu mana?" Mak ngah asked.

"Kat dalam, mari masuk," Raif ushered them inside quickly.

"Eh Kahar, dah besar dah kamu, sihat?" Pak Ngah greeted Kahar with a tight smile.

Kahar shook hands with the older man before nodding his head with a small smile.

"Oh ye, kamu kan bisu, mak ngah lupa lak... Kesian kamu," Mak ngah said with a judging stare.

Kahar froze before nodding his head.

"Uhh," Raif mumbled.

"Kiah, sampai doh kamu," Abu Yamin greeted, closing the door to his room.

"Yamin," His sister shook hands with him respectfully.

"Baru sampai dari ganu? Mari make, mesti semua penat deh?" Abu Yamin then ushered them to the kitchen.

"Susah susah je kau Min, terima kasih lah yee," Mak Ngah said sitting down at one of the empty seats.

Izal and Kahar served the dishes prepared, then when things were finally perfect, they took their own seats.

"Mia mana?" Mak Ngah asked, staring at an empty seat.

"Dia beraya rumah kawe tadi, ni tengah on the way balik dah ni," Izal answered smoothly.

"Kahar, kamu sekolah macam mana sekarang?" Pak Ngah suddenly asked.

Kahar glanced at Izal, mentally telling him to translate for him.

"Kahar cakap okay je sekarang, dia dapat wakil sekolah dalam acara sukan macam bola sepak, alhamdulillah," Izal translated Kahar's signing.

"Ohh, si Hafiz pulak, dia tak aktif mana dalam sukan, dia lebih kepada akademik. Dia dapat johan daerah pidato hari tu, dia dapat masuk pantun dan tahun ni dia ketua pelajar," Mak ngah praised her own son, side eyeing Kahar.

"Kesian kau Yamin, anak kau tak dapat bercakap. Manja sangat," Mak Ngah said, discreetly eyeing Abu Yamin who froze in his movements.

"Hm," He only hummed.

"Rugi betul Kahar, dulu sampai wakil Kelantan untuk pidato, sekarang... Hmm..." She said, before sipping her tea.

Kahar flushed red in embarrassment as self hatred attacked him.

"Bahagian Kahar, mak ngah," Raif defended Kahar respectfully but still discretely glare at the woman.

"Alah, ye lah, kecacatan Kahar pun takdir tuhan kan? Tak pun sebab manja sangat, kalau dikuli mesti baik nanti. Kesian ke ayah kamu Kahar," She then was cut off by said person.

"Dah lama kau duduk rumah aku Kiah, tak pandai nak balik? Takde rumah sendiri? Kesian suami mu, dok ada isteri yang dok pandai jaga adab. Patutlah dia dok suka duk rumah," Abu Yamin said, sipping his coffee.

"Tak, Yamin, aku..." Mak Ngah stuttered, not expecting Abu Yamin to fight back.

"Bagus jugaklah, Kahar bisu, dia boleh guna mulut dia tu untuk bende baik ja. Bukan mace sesetengah ore, guna mulut patut untuk make tapi mereka? Guna mulut mengumpat orang, membawang, cakap buruk pasal anak ore padahal diri sendiri tu pun takde baik mana," He attacked her again, death staring her.

The foreign family in their living room tensed.

"Dah lambat dah ni, kene gi rumah su pulak, baik kita gerak sekarang, takut sesak jalan," Pak Ngah suddenly said, breaking the awkward silence.

Mak Ngah immediately agreed.

"Kiah," Abu Yamin called, freezing her movements to he car.

"Baik mu jaga mulut mu hok di rumah aku, walaupun anak aku tu cacat, dia masih anak aku... Tinggalan Rosilia," He then shut the door in their face.

Mak Ngah huffed in offense before rushing over to her car.

"Ayah," Izal called.

Abu Yamin inclined his head.

"Kahar cakap terima kasih,".

"Aku dok buat untuk dia. Aku hanya mahu jaga nama baik keluarga, budok tu kecik kecik lagi dah hampakan aku," Their father said before secluding himself in his room.

Izal was left speechless.

He suddenly felt a tug on his shirt and looked behind him only to see Kahar looking at him with a sad gaze.

"Adik? Okay dok? Maaf deh, mak ngah gitu tadi," Izal said softly, kneeling down to be on the same level as Kahar.

Kahar just nodded with a sad smile.

"Adik... Aba tak nak adik lalui semua ni, tapi adik kene tahu... Inilah hidup adik sekarang, orang akan hina dan herdik adik. Keluarga kita tak akan selalu ada untuk jaga adik, jadi adik dok boleh lembik. Adik dok boleh percaya kata-kata mereka tu," Izal said, cupping Kahar's cheek gently as the younger's tears fell.

"Adik boleh nangis, nangis lah puas puas, aba tahu kata-kata mak ngah terguris hati adik... Adik berhak marah, cuma, jange dendam. Itu ja permintaan aba ke adik," Izal then brought the younger into a tight hug.

Silent sobs shook the younger's body as Izal himself held in tears of sympathy for his brother's fate.

A familiar silhouette made itself known at the door connecting the living room to the kitchen.

Raif lifted an eyebrow, mentally asking whether Kahar was alright or not.

Izal could only nod mindlessly. Honestly speaking, Kahar was far from okay but... They'll be there for him. When things get tough, they'll hold him close.

Abu Yamin sat on his bed gently as he stopped eaves dropping on his sons conversation.

He stared at the hands in his lap without any emotion.

His phone laid motionless next to him, a message on its screen.

Mu date sini dok payoh hina anak aku cacat. Jago mulut mu Kiah. Kahar masih anak aku. Jange sampai aku haramkan kau jejak kaki ke rumah ni.

He heard a faint whisper next to his ears and his body felt warm and cold at the same time... It felt welcoming rather than scary.

'Terima kasih bang...'

He looked towards the door where Kahar was probably still crying.

"Maafkan ayah Kahar... Ayah jaga Kahar dari jauh deh? Ayah dok mampu..."

"Selamat Hari Raya anak ayah,".


Didn't know that 2 hours away from home would be great to brainstorm ideas. Anyways, enjoy.

Tryna make past Abu Yamin a pained, trying but still not accepting dad. Like he's trying but he just can't.

Selamat Hari Raya kedua

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