Abang Izal- 3

421 23 18

Form 1 (2002)


Before Hisham Left

"Kahar, jom gi dm, aku lapar lahh," Zahrin said to the mute boy.

Kahar who was just finishing his homework, immediately nodded and cleaned up his study table.

During the day, he would stay at his dorm but during the night, he'll stay at Izal's dorm.

Izal has been... Overprotective to say the least, not that Kahar was complaining!

He rather liked it, he knew that he was safe... Well, as safe as he could be with his rapist still here.

He listened to Zahrin talk about his least favourite teacher, his science teacher, because apparently she had given them homework as if 'esok nak kiamat'.

He gave a laugh every here and there during the story session, no sound came out of course but it still brightened up Zahrin to see Kahar happy.

Kahar kept an eye out on his surroundings, just in case he was near.

"Weh jom, line tak panjang lagi cepat cepat beratur," Zahrin guided him to the line.

While they were lining up, Kahar noticed his brother Izal just cut instead of queuing like the others.

Kahar may have or may have not glared at Izal who just smirked teasingly at his way.

"Buekk, kene beratur," Izal teased as he walked next to Kahar who slapped his shoulder softly.

Izal laughed out loud, the other high council also chuckled at the adorable antics of the two brothers while the other students just watched in shock Kahar downright fight their kapla.

"Apa tengok tengok?" Azeeq asked the students, his soft side disappearing as fast the wind.

"Takde bang..." The students muttered, a bit scared.

The high council then walked to their table, just in time for Kahar's turn to take the food.

"Ye Kahar, nak makan apa? Ada kari dengan sup, pilih lah," The mak cik dm, who knew of Kahar's disability, asked with a friendly smile.

Kahar flashed her a bright smile before pointing to the kari ayam.

He signed her thank you.

"Sama-samaa," The mak cik answered.

Kahar waited for Zahrin to finish taking his food then the two of them walked to the front table, Izal was 2 tables behind them.

Just as Kahar was about to dig into his food, he appeared. The talking ceased at the dm, the high council glaring at the bruised boy.

Hisham walked past their table without even a glance to the frozen Kahar.

"Weh Kahar... Makan je," Zahrin said to Kahar who seemed like bursting into tears.

With shaky hands, Kahar handled his utensils.

Izal watched from afar as that damn bastard queued with the others, every single student didn't dare to even look at him.

"Weh semalam Kahar okay ke? Dia nangis semalam kat kau lepas kita bantai anjing tu semalam kan?" Khairi asked, diverting his attention to the said boy.

"Nak kata okay tu, tak jugak.. Dia still trauma ngan bengong tu, tapi dia cakap yang dia rasa bersalah," Izal said, stabbing his chicken with the fork in his hand.

"Pasal nak bersalah? Dah perogol tu yang buat dia, dia berhak kene bantai dengan kita semua," Azeeq insisted, feeling angry at the rapist.

"Ye doh, kalau lah kan aku boleh, dah lama aku jibam dekat cikgu, biar dia kene buang, masuk henry gurney," Afiq said, glaring at his food.

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