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Saya bagi back story Kahar sendiri -Amir Ahnaf (Studio Sembang)


"Ayah! Sakit! Mama! Tolong mama!" 6 year old Kahar shouted for his mother as his father's belt hit his once perfect skin.

"Mu ni! Aku doh ngoyak jange kacau aku! Mu degil! Ini make nya!" Abu Yamin shouted as he hit his youngest without any mercy.

"Ya Allah! Abang! Abang lepas anok kita tu!" A mid 30s woman screamed in panic as she tried to pull her husband away from her youngest.

"TEPI!" Abu Yamin shouted as she shoved his wife's body from his hold.

The woman yelped in shock as her back slammed into the wall of the living room.

"Ah!" She groaned in pain but soon broke out of her trance by Kahar's cries.

"Ayah! Sakit yah! Maaf!" Kahar cried as he curled on the ground, his arms protecting his head from the metal head of his father's belt.

"Abu Yamin!" The woman shouted in anger as she shoved the man away from Kahar.

"Awak tengah mabuk! Kaki botol lagi! Sudah! Keluar! Awak tak kesian ke kat anak kita?" The woman shouted angrily as tears ran down her face.

Damn her sensitive heart.

"Perempuan dok guno! Mu derhaka kepada aku? Aku ni suami mu!" Abu Yamin shouted before storming out of the house.

The woman broke into tears after she heard her husband's footsteps slowly fade away.

"Mama..." Kahar whimpered, cradling his bruised arms.

His mother gasped in horror, "Ya Allah, anak mama," She said, immediately bringing Kahar into her arms.

"Mama mintak maaf sayang, mama terlambat... Takpe, kita letak ubat ye sayang?" She coaxed Kahar who was still crying.

Kahar nodded and let himself be lifted up into his mama's arms. He wrapped his arms around her neck as she walked to his room.

"Kahar baring sini dulu ye? Mama nak ambik ubat jap eh sayang?" She said, kissing his forehead fondly as Kahar nodded his head yes.

Kahar just continued to lay there, waiting for his mama.

'Patutnye aku dok kacau ayah tadi...' He thought in regret.

"Sayang?" His mother snapped him out of his thoughts as she tapped his arms gently.

"Mama?" Kahar spoke as she rubbed some ointment on his bruised skin.

"Ye sayang?" She answered softly.

"Apa nama penuh mama?"

"Nama penuh mama... Nur Rosilia Binti Haji Mahmud," She answered with a soft smile.

"Nape tanya?"

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