
871 61 15

LukeH: fml

CalumH: what happened?

LukeH: One of my bullies broke my guitar today

LukeH: And now I can't fu.cking play it anymore.

CalumH: That sucks, bro.

CalumH: I play guitar too



CalumH: I wanna hear you play

LukeH: Can't, guitar is broken

CalumH: Me knows, how long do you play?

LukeH: Since I was 6, 7 I believe, I don't really know tbh

CalumH: That's long, I play it since I was 9, I believe

LukeH: Cool

CalumH: Who's your favourite guitarist?


CalumH: Does he play the guitar?

LukeH: yeah, and Harry and Liam do too, but Niall is hotter.

CalumH: He dye's his hair blond

LukeH: Something wrong with blond

CalumH; no, absolutely not

CalumH: My favourite person in the world has blond hair

LukeH: Who

CalumH: You

LukeH: Smooth

CalumH: I know

LukeH: *cough* cocky *cough*

CalumH: You've got a cold Hemmings?

LukeH: haha

CalumH: But

CalumH: why

CalumH: did

CalumH: you

CalumH: start

CalumH: playing

CalumH: The guitar?

LukeH: Why do you type like that

CalumH: Because I can

LukeH: My phone didn't like that

CalumH: answer

CalumH: my

CalumH: question

LukeH: If you promise to not type like this ever again

CalumH: I

CalumH: Promise

LukeH: F.uck you

CalumH: I like you too Luke

LukeH: I started playing because my dad told me it was nice to play the guitar, so I tried.

CalumH: Cool

LukeH: and you?

CalumH: I wanted to be a rockstar

CalumH: I'm so lame, gush

CalumH: But, why would you even bring your guitar to school? Your bullies broke it, why would you take it to school

LukeH: I had a music presentation and playing guitar on your own guitar is always nicer

CalumH: I understand that

CalumH: I hate your bullies with a passion

CalumH: But I need to leave now, Michael has a surprise for me, talk to you later! x

LukeH: Bye x

Thanks to @chocolatexcakes I got this inspiration, THANK YOU

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-DirectionerDanique25 (stupid name)

You can rant to me, i'll just read it and say something back. Tell me you had a bad day, I don't mind. Maybe a friendship can grow, idk? So please do, and f you think you're weird, don't. I like meeting new people, ok :)


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