Returning Home.

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Luke is sad.

Calum is sad.

The reason is simple, Calum leaves tomorrow. Luke sighs at the thought, cuddling closer to Calum as they lay in Luke's bed. Calum is exhausted, but he doesn't want to close his eyes. Because if he wakes up, he has to leave. Calum holds Luke tighter against his chest. Luke looks up to look in Calum's sad brown eyes, and a tear escapes Luke's eye. Calum smiles at him before wiping the tear away with his thumb. Luke smiles sadly at Calum, before planting a kiss on Calum's lips.

"I-I'm g-going t-to m-miss y-you s-so m-much.." He cries out, not capable of holding it in anymore, and sobs start to leave his mouth. Calum lets out a shaky sigh, kissing Luke's blond hair and petting his blond boyfriends back. "I know, princess. Maybe you can visit on your next break?" Calum asks hopefully. He may seems tough, and he's trying for Luke to be tough, but on the inside he is crying and sobbing as a baby.

"M-my n-next b-break I-is a-after I-I g-graduate.." Luke says, and Calum smiles at Luke. "You're going to pass your exams, alright? You're going to apply to a college you like and I will support you, okay?" Calum says, and Luke nods. Calum presses his lips to Luke's, and the kiss passionately for 5 minutes.

"I think we should get some sleep. It's already 1 am, princess." Calum says, and Luke shakes his head. "Y-you'll b-be g-gone w-when I-I w-wake u-up.." "I won't be gone, princess. I'll still be here, with you in my arms." Luke shakes his head. "You'll have to go! I want to spend this night with you. Awake."

"Okay, princess. What do you want to do?" Calum asks, and Luke points at his laptop on his desk. "I want to watch a movie with you." Luke says. Calum nods, letting go of Luke and the blond stands up, grabs his laptop and lays back down. Calum shuffles to the headboard, pulling Luke with him. He sits against the headboard, Luke's head laying on his chest. "22 jump street?" Luke asks Calum. Calum nods, and Luke starts the movie.

They are about 40 minutes into the movie as Calum hears silent snores come from Luke's mouth. Calum chuckles, and stops the movie. He looks at Luke, then at Luke's arms covered in red lines, and frowns. He looks at the laptop, and opens word.


"P-promise m-me y-you'll t-text m-me w-when y-you l-landed." Luke says in between sobs. His head is tucked into the crook of Calum's neck, and they are both sobbing their eyes out.

"I promise, Princess." Calum says, kissing Luke's head as he slowly pulls away. Luke shakes his head before hugging Calum again, tightly. Calum sadly smiles, and he kisses Luke's head once again.

"P-please d-don't l-leave?" Luke asks, and Calum shakes his head."I can't stay here, babe. I'm sorry.." Calum says with a broken heart. Seeing Luke cry like this makes his heart break.

"Flight Number 2375 to Melbourne is ready for boarding. Passengers, please proceed to Gate 6B." Luke stiffens at the women's voice. "No! P-please.." He says, clamping onto Calum. "I'm sorry princess. We'll Skype and make this work okay? I will come back as soon as possible." Luke nods, letting go of Calum. They share a kiss, and then Calum turns around. He already said his goodbyes to Liz and Andy, and he looks back to see Luke with bloodshot eyes, waving at Calum.

Calum waves back, and turns back around. He starts walking, before realizing something. He turns around, Luke still standing there. Calum runs towards Luke. "Check your laptop as soon as you come home." Calum says, hugging Luke once more, before kissing his cheek. Luke nods, waving at Calum as Calum finally hands his passport and tickets to the women, and disappears into the gate.

Luke looks at the ground. He's gone. His happiness is gone. Luke turns around, walking toward the entrance of the airport, seeing his mom standing there with her arms wide. Even she had tears on her cheeks, and Luke runs into her arms.

"I-i m-miss h-him s-so m-much m-mom." Luke cries into his moms shoulder, and Liz nods. "I know, baby, I know." She says, pulling him toward the car. Luke sits down in the passenger seat, and they drive away.

Sleeping with sirens' Kick Me comes on the radio, Luke recognizes the song, since Calum has shown it to him. Luke slams on the radio button, it switching to another station. Liz doesn't ask why, she just pets Luke's knee, hoping to comfort her depressed son.

Luke sits on his bed, legs Indian style as he opens his laptop. He types in his password, and smiles at the background. It's taken with the webcam of his laptop, and it's Luke sleeping and Calum kissing his cheek. He frowns as he sees a small sentence under the photo.

"Open your word princess." Luke obeys, opening word. A document pops up, and Luke starts to read.

'Hello Love.
I'm making this because you don't realize how beautiful, talented and sweet you are. I'm looking at you sleeping (not in a creepy way) and you're just so utterly beautiful. Your blond hair is flat against your head, your eyes closed tightly and silent snores coming out of your cute little mouth.

I want to talk to you about how sweet you are to everyone. You're just so sweet to me, your parents, complete strangers. You smile all day, even though I know it's fake sometimes. The bully's are just jealous, okay?

You are beautiful, princess. Yes, you are my princess. My beautiful princess. Have I told you how beautiful you are?

I love how your eyes light up at the lights of the city at night. I love how you can talk about how much you love painting and drawing. I love it so much how you get so into your drawing and painting that it looks like that you are on a complete different planet. I love how you giggle, I love how your smile gets bigger when I call you my princess or my baby.

I just love you so much in general, Luke.

Read this when you feel down, or if you miss me.

I love you, Luke.
X Calum.

Luke is a sobbing mess on his bed. He's never felt this loved before. He quickly grabs his phone, opening the KIK app.

LukeH: I love you too

LukeH: idiot

I may have cried writing this, I may haven't.

But I hope you guys enjoy.

I would like 7 votes and 10 comments for the next chapter, thank you guys so much :)

Bye x

Danique x

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