Cold war

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Cold war might happen between Paris and Abu Dhabi.

They were in Paris for a concert and had very little time to spend together. Jennie was hanging out with a friend, while Jisoo was with another friend.

One day, Jennie became distant and mad for some reason. Jisoo wasn't sure what had happened, so she just acted normally. Days passed, and the fans noticed that Jisoo and Jennie were not interacting as much as they used to. People started to wonder what was wrong.

Jisoo decided to reach out to Jennie and they scheduled a time to meet up. When they finally sat down and talked, Jisoo asked Jennie what was wrong. Jennie opened up and told Jisoo that she felt like they were growing apart and not spending enough time together.

Jisoo: "Hey Jennie, what's up with you? You seemed really mad at me earlier."

Jennie: "Yeah, I was. But then I realized that I overreacted and I'm really sorry. I shouldn't have gotten so upset with you."

Jisoo: "Ha! That's classic Jennie, overreacting and then apologizing."

Jennie: "Hey, I'm sorry! I just get emotional sometimes."

Jisoo: "I know, I know. But I have to say, the way you decided to go apologize without me doing anything was pretty funny."

Jennie: "Jisoo! That's not funny."

Jisoo: "I'm just kidding. I appreciate you coming to apologize, it shows that you're mature and that you value our friendship."

Jennie: "Yeah, I do value our friendship a lot. I just wanted to clear things up and make sure we're still cool."

Jisoo: "Of course we are! We've been friends for too long to let something small come between us. So let's just forget about it and move on."

Jennie: "Thanks Jisoo, you're the best. I'm really glad we can talk things out like this."

Jisoo: "Me too. That's what true friendship is all about. And now, let's go get some snacks!"

Jennie laughs and agrees, and the two friends head off to enjoy each other's company and forget about the minor disagreement they had earlier.

From that moment on, Jisoo and Jennie made an effort to spend more time together and their friendship grew stronger than ever.

The fans were overjoyed to see Jisoo and Jennie interacting again, and their bond continued to shine on stage during their concerts. Jisoo and Jennie proved that no matter how busy they were, their friendship was always a priority.


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