After concert

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Jennie and Jisoo had been friends since they were trainees at YG Entertainment. They had gone through so much together, from long hours of practice to grueling schedules. They were part of the K-pop girl group, BLACKPINK, and they had just finished their concert in Los Angeles.

After the concert, the other members of BLACKPINK decided to attend the after-party. Jennie, however, might had other plans. She want to go out with her friends who had flown in to see her perform.

As Jennie was considering whether to leave or not for the night, Jisoo approached her.

"Jen, are you sure you want to come to the after-party with us? You know your friends waiting for you over there. Jisoo asked with a small smile on her face.

"I don't know, Chu. Should I spend the night with them? I wanna be with you but I also want to catch up with my friends. They came all the way to LA just to see me perform, and I don't want to disappoint them," Jennie replied with a slightly apologetic tone.

"I understand, Jen. Go see you friends, I just wish we could all spend some time together tho" Jisoo said, her calm tone in her voice.

"I know, Chu. I feel the same way. But you know how it is. We barely have any time to ourselves, and I don't want to miss this opportunity to spend some quality time with my friends," Jennie explained.

Jisoo nodded her head in understanding, "I get it, Jen. I don't want to hold you back from doing what you want to do. (Jisoo's trying to wink) we'll do something together soon, okay?"

"Of course, Chu. I might come to your place later on," Jennie reassured her friend.

Jisoo smiled, feeling better, "Okay, then. Have fun tonight, Jen. And stay safe."

Jennie grinned, "Always, Chu. See you later."

And with that, Jennie left to meet up with her friends, leaving Jisoo and others behind. But she knew that their friendship was strong enough to withstand any distance or time apart.


Jisoo feeling excited to go to the after-party and enjoying the night. She posted a stunning picture on her Instagram with the pinkcella background, tagging Jennie in the caption, saying "having a blast, wish you were here too!"

Jennie saw the post and felt happy for her friend. She knew that Jisoo would have a great time. At the same time, Jennie was having fun with her other friends and enjoying the night.

Jisoo's picture looked so beautiful that Jennie couldn't stop looking at it. She knew that her friend was having a great time and was happy for her.

Jennie texted Jisoo, telling her how much she loved the picture and how happy she was that Jisoo was having fun.

Jennie couldn't help but tease Jisoo about how hot she looked in the picture. She texted Jisoo saying, "Hey Chu, I love your pic at that Pinkcella thingy. You look stunning and hot!"

Jisoo laughed at Jennie's playful message and replied, "Haha, thank you! I just got lucky with the lighting, I guess."

Jennie continued to joke, "Nah, I think it's just your natural beauty shining through. You're giving the Pinkcella models a run for their money!"

Jisoo blushed at Jennie's compliments, but couldn't resist teasing her back. She replied, "You better watch out, Jennie. I might become the new face of 'Pinkcella'!"

Jennie laughed and replied, "Good luck with that, Jisoo. You'll have some tough competition from me!"

The two friends continued to joke and banter back and forth, enjoying their silly conversation and the bond of their close friendship.


After spending some time with her friends, Jennie returned to her hotel room feeling a sense of contentment. She knew that Jisoo was probably already asleep, but she wanted to see her before calling it a night. Jennie grabbed her key card and made her way to Jisoo's room.

Jennie knocked gently on the door and waited for a response. A few moments later, Jisoo opened the door, her eyes sleepy and her hair disheveled. Despite her fatigue, Jisoo's face lit up at the sight of Jennie.

"Hey," Jennie said softly, a warm smile on her face.

"Hey, Jen," Jisoo replied, her voice groggy.

Jennie stepped into Jisoo's room and closed the door behind her. They both sat down on the bed, their shoulders touching as they leaned back against the headboard. They didn't say much, but the warmth of their bodies pressed together was enough to convey their closeness.

Jennie let out a contented sigh and wrapped her arm around Jisoo's shoulder, pulling her in for a hug. Jisoo rested her head on Jennie's shoulder, her eyes closed. They stayed like that for a while, enjoying the comfort of each other's company.

After a few moments, Jennie spoke up. "I'm not sure anymore why I wasn't with you earlier. You know I always wanted to spend time with you."

"It's okay, Jen," Jisoo replied, her voice still sleepy. "I understand how you love me, Jen. But I know you need to have time with your friends as well."

"I just didn't want to be without you," Jennie said, her tone apologetic.

"What a cutie. Don't worry Jen, we'll have plenty of opportunities to hang out," Jisoo said, her voice reassuring.

Jennie smiled, feeling grateful for Jisoo's understanding. They both fell silent again, enjoying the quiet warmth of each other's presence. Eventually, they both drifted off to sleep, their bodies entwined in a comforting embrace.


Another day.

Jennie and Jisoo had just finished an exhausting concert, and they were both feeling drained. As soon as they got back to their hotel room, Jennie suggested that they cuddle and relax. Jisoo was happy to oblige, but she knew that Jennie always had a hidden agenda.

Jennie started by offering Jisoo a massage, which Jisoo gratefully accepted. She lay down on the bed while Jennie worked her magic, kneading away the tension in Jisoo's neck and shoulders. Jisoo closed her eyes and let out a contented sigh. She knew that Jennie was just trying to butter her up, but she couldn't resist the allure of a good massage.

After a few minutes, Jennie decided that it was her turn to receive a massage. "Come on, Chu, it's only fair," she pleaded.

Jisoo rolled her eyes but couldn't help but laugh. "Okay, fine," she said, "but don't say I didn't warn you. I'm not as good as you."

Jennie settled onto the bed, and Jisoo tentatively began to massage her back. She was right; she wasn't as skilled as Jennie, but she did her best. As she worked, Jennie chattered away about their fans, recounting all the sweet messages and gifts they had received.

"Did you see the fan who made those adorable little plushies of us?" Jennie asked, grinning. "I can't believe how talented some of our fans are."

Jisoo nodded, still focused on her massage. "Yeah, they were really cute," she agreed.

They continued chatting and laughing, reminiscing about their favorite fan interactions. It was moments like these that reminded them why they loved being idols.

Eventually, their conversation died down, and they both grew quiet. Jisoo's hands had slowed, and Jennie's breathing had evened out. They were both nearly asleep when Jennie spoke up.

"Thanks for the massage, Chichu," she said softly. "I know I can be a handful sometimes."

Jisoo smiled, though Jennie couldn't see it. "No problem," she said. "I'm always happy to help."

They lay there for a few more minutes, content in each other's company. Finally, Jennie stirred.

"I think it's time for bed," she said, stretching. "We have an early flight tomorrow."

Jisoo nodded and got up to turn off the lights. As they settled under the covers, Jennie snuggled up against Jisoo, draping an arm over her waist.

"Goodnight, my Chu," she murmured.

"Goodnight, Jen, love you," Jisoo replied, smiling.

And with that, they both drifted off to sleep, happy and relaxed after a long day of performing.

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