Chapter 48: Total Eclipse of the Soul

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As the clock on her bedside table rolled over to 8, Assam sat up on the side of her bed and hit the button to turn the alarm off before it even had time to ring. Taking a few deep breaths, she rolled her shoulders and neck a few times before standing up and stretching her arms and legs for a few moments, before making her way to the bathroom. After a quick shower and brushing her teeth, she changed into her uniform and returned to the main room of her apartment.

The dim light of the morning sun lit the room in an almost unnatural golden glow as it peeked in through the blinds, causing a low, yearning moan from the slowly stirring shape still hiding under the covers.

"Hey," Assam said softly and smiled as she sat down on the side of the bed, gently lifting the covers to reveal Naomi's sleeping face.

"Hey..." Naomi groaned with a grimace, blinking her eyes a few times to readjust to the light as she yawned. "Last night was fun," she smiled back after a few seconds, reaching out a hand and running it through Assam's hair.

"Yeah, it was," Assam nodded with a slight giggle.

"Wanna go another round?" Naomi smirked, pulling herself back a bit and leaning against the backboard.

"I can't. I've gotta go do some work to prepare for the debrief of the match."

"Awww..." Naomi pouted. "You're no fun."

"If you wanted fun you should be going out with Kay," Assam teased.

"Kay is too fun," Naomi said shortly. "Besides," she added with a smirk, "You're a whole lot cuter than her." She grabbed Assam by the wrist and yanked, sending her tumbling down into the brunette's waiting arms and bombarded Assam with kisses.

"Hey, stop it," Assam giggled as she only half struggled to get free. "That wasn't very nice of you, Naomi," she said with a faux stern voice once the assault came to a close, and crossed her arms in an attempt to seem angry.

"Oh, I'm so so sorry. I'll never do it again! Please forgive me!" Naomi pleaded with a playful grin.

"I don't know..." Assam said with a thoughtful smirk. "I think you might need some disciplining. Fortunately for you, I don't have time for that today. So, until then"一She reached up and gave Naomi a long deep kiss一"That will have to do. But I want you to think long and hard about what you did, alright?"

"Yes Ma'am," Naomi smiled, before both of them broke down laughing. As their laughter quieted down to giggles, she pressed her forehead against Assam's as she caressed her face. "I love you."

"I love you too," Assam said softly, remaining in place for a few moments just to enjoy Naomi's scent and warmth. "Seriously though, I need to go," she said after a little while, giving Naomi a quick peck on the cheeks before standing up again. "I'll see you later, okay?"

"Right," Naomi smiled, and sank back down under the covers to go back to sleep. "See ya."


The sunlit streets of the Ark Royal were practically empty as she made her way through the city center of the carrier, her calculated pace creating a perfect rhythm as her heels clacked against the cobblestone streets and alleyways. The stillness of the morning was hardly a surprise to her, as it was still quite early on a Sunday morning. Even the handful of more athletically-minded students that normally spent their mornings going for runs seemed to have abandoned the idea for the day. Beyond a handful of pigeons patrolling the streets, a few seagulls squawking above, and a lone postman walking his round, she didn't see so much as a soul as she made her way to her destination.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2023 ⏰

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