Chapter 32: The Hunt

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"I can't believe we're just stuck waiting here..." Momo muttered and tapped her foot on the floor of the 38(t). "We're the Student Council! Who gave that mad hatter the right to tell us what to do?"

"Commander Nishizumi did, didn't she?" Yuzu answered calmly. "When she made Erwin lead the platoon?"

"So what?! I'm twice the commander that cosplaying numbskull is, and besides, it's only right that we take the lead!"

"Right..." Yuzu sighed, more as a way of trying to remove herself from the conversation than as an answer.

"Why on earth should we just be sitting here?! It's just Anzio, we should charge right in and take them out, instead of hiding like kids scared of a mascot."

"Charging in does sound pretty awesome," Anzu added cheerfully before munching on yet another bit of fried sweet potato.

"I don't know if that's the best ide-" Yuzu began, but a call over the radio interrupted her.

"Erwin?! Erwin! Come in!"

"Those uppity first-years..." Momo grumbled, "They should be paying us more respect. They should be reporting this to us."

"Well, we're hearing it either way, aren't we?" Anzu said nonchalantly, and tried to balance one of her chips on her nose.

"Anyways, we took a shot at three of Anzio's tanks, but they were nothing but wooden decoys..."

"Decoys?!" Momo yelled, and reached for the transceiver. "Those bastards! Screw this scurrying like rats, we're going in!"

"But what about-" Yuzu tried to protest.

"Aw, come on, it'll be an adventure!" Anzu cheered.

"...which probably means-"

"Then we'll blast these cutouts to kingdom come as well," Momo yelled into the radio, "and then take down the rest of them! Yuzu, charge!"

Yuzu sighed deeply, but did as her crewmates asked and sent the Panzer 38(t) up over the ridge of the crossroads, and towards the forest's edge on the opposite end of the clearing.

A second later, the gun of their tank fired, with a shell being sent across the dirt field and bouncing off the very real Semovente parked among the trees.

Another few seconds later, the sound of engines filled the air as half-a-dozen tanks rolled out to greet them, as if the forest was a nest of wasps and Momo had just hit it with a baseball.

"You idiot!" Erwin's annoyed voice sounded from the radio. "If Azusa had nothing but decoys on her end, of course these ones were gonna be-Click!"

"I-I... I need to concentrate..." Momo said nervously while looking like a deer caught in the headlights of a truck as she turned off the radio. "Yuzu! G-get us out of here!"

"I'm already on it," Yuzu sighed, and swerved to avoid Anzio's answering salvo, before utilizing the technique Captain Chono had taught her to swiftly send the small tank into a drift, turning and driving off down the road westwards.


"Viva il Duce!" Pepperoni cheered as her squadron of CV33s set out, giving chase to Oooarai's Panzer 38(t). "Now we have them! Fire!" The collective arsenal of Anzio's four tankettes opened fire, riddling the Czech tank with bullets.

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