Chapter 33: The Game

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Kumamoto Prefecture

Aboard the School Carrier Graf Zeppelin

Kuromorimine Girl's Academy

Years Ago...

"Block 11 o'clock! Turret, Dinner position! Take out their tracks! Contact, 4 o'clock, prepare to intercept!"

The Panzer IV's gun roared, and slew the StuG III attempting an ambush, before turning to face its new foes. The team's attempt at taking her down was laughable, but the effort was at the very least applaudable. But being applaudable was far from what was needed to take down her tank. A minute passed as she took in every moment, every detail and acted accordingly; orders being given to continue her success.

From where she stood in the Commander's cupola, she could see the entire battlefield. She knew where every one of Kuromorimine's tanks were, and she knew where they were going. She could see the platoon of Panzer 2s moving to envelop them, she could see the Panzer 3 lying in wait beyond the trees, she could see the pair of StuGs readying a new attempted ambush beyond the river.

She could see everything around her, to the smallest detail, and she was invincible.

But something beyond the movement of tanks and the roar of guns pricked and prodded at her mind, and as she visualized the field further, she could sense something. Turning for a moment to glance at the observation tower, she could see three people looking down at the mock battle, though she couldn't tell who. Two of them were clad in dark green suits, that much she could make out, but as their presence didn't affect the battle, she let their existence leave her mind, and refocused her mind on the field.


"Alright, that's enough for today. Go get yourselves cleaned off, and I'll see you back here tomorrow morning," she said in her dour tone, and gave a quick nod.

"Thank you for your work, Commander!" the team all answered in unison and bowed, even if enthusiasm was far from lacking in most of their voices.'

She didn't care. She hadn't been made the commander because she was popular, she was the commander because she was effective, and because she was the best. As the hundred-and-fifty or so girls began to leave, she turned on the spot and walked back into the hangar, sitting herself down at the desk that acted as her office, filling in the paperwork for the day's training match. Tank 14's crew had gotten a glancing blow in on her, but beyond that there was nothing in the slightest to commend. Still, she worked filling in the reports with the diligence that was expected of her. Until she was interrupted, that is.

"Hey, Maho!" a familiar voice called. "Long time, no see!"

Turning around in her chair, Maho saw Ami standing in the open doorway of the hangar, clad in the bottle green uniform of the JSDF, with another, taller and seemingly somewhat older woman beside her, wearing the same.

"Am-I mean, Lieutenant Chono?" Maho said in surprise and rose from her seat, walking over to meet the newcomers. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm here on business, but it's good to see you," the former Kuromorimine Commander answered, and gave Maho a quick hug. "Congratulations on the summer tournament, by the way," she added quickly, before turning to present the other woman. "Maho, meet Captain Anzai of the Ground Self-Defense Force. Captain, may I introduce Maho Nishizumi, commander of Kuromorimine Girl's Academy's Middle School Division Sensha-Do team, and the heiress to the Nishizumi family and style."

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