6 - Stake

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6 - Stake

Michael was standing outside, looking at the setting sun. Well...he was pretty much always outside now during the day, but could anyone blame him? The past seventy-eight years he hadn't been able to see or feel the sun.

"Are you ready?" He suddenly heard, making him turn around to see the three vampires leaving the house and coming towards Michael.

"As I'll ever be." He sighed out, knowing it was time for the duel.

He started preparing, keeping his eyes on the three in front of him. But before he knew it, Luke and Calum disappeared and out of his eyesight. But he kept his eyes on Ashton who hadn't moved.

"You always need to focus on your surroundings. Especially if you're in a fight with various people, you can't just focus on who you can see in front of you." Ashton stated seriously, "Because that's where they can come out of no where and get you."

And then Michael felt a body behind him, pressing their chests to his back. The dark chuckle let him know it was Luke before he suddenly disappeared once again.

Then Ashton came towards him where he tried to throw a hit to him. But Michael ran away backwards to make Ashton miss the hit.

"Using your speed is important, but you can't always run away."

Ashton appeared in front of him again and Michael wanted to try not running away again. So when Ashton tried to lay a hit to his face, Michael caught his fist in his hand. But the celebration was cut short when Calum suddenly appeared next to them two to grab Michael's wrist and flip him into the air until he landed on the ground and onto his back.

He groaned out at the impact, accepting Calum's hand of help.

"Don't allow emotions take over your fight. You could think you're winning one second and the next...someone can very quickly take that away from you."

And then both Calum and Ashton started throwing hits towards him, making him focus purely on stopping their hits while they kept coming at him.

"Defense is also important. But you can't not attack back. It's a lack of confidence and it will give your opponent an advantage over you."

So then while defending against them, Michael started trying to send his own hits to the two vampires. Well until a hand around his neck suddenly pulled him away before his two arms were grabbed and forced behind his back.

"Don't focus on just your opponents in front of you. I told you in the beginning to always be aware of your surroundings. Because you didn't do that, Luke was able to stop you and if this was a real situation you'd be dead."

Michael could feel Luke's body pressed against his back just like before, but this time he was trapped under Luke's hold as the other two appeared right in front of him, officially trapping him as if he wasn't before.

"Now how are you going to get out?" Ashton asked.

Michael tried pulling his arms out of Luke's grip, but it was no use. He was too strong against Michael. They all were.

"This isn't fair." He said, "Even against only one of you would be unfair. You're stronger than me."

"Do you think someone wouldn't attack you just because it's not fair?" Calum cut in.

Michael sighed, "No."

"So get out."

He started pulling again, trying to get out of Luke's hold. But the effort was really no use. He couldn't get out and he couldn't think of anything else he could do.

"I can't."

"This is a stake." Ashton said, holding his hand out like he was holding something in front of Michael's heart, "Your life is on the line. Do something to get out."

"I'm already dead." He said matter-of-factly.

This made Luke chuckle, tightening his grip on Michael, "Always so accepting of death, newborn. Now that's a weakness. You so easily allowed Katrina to sacrifice you. And now you'd allow Ashton to stake you just because you can get out."

"It's because he has nothing to live for." Calum said, crossing his arms when Michael looked at him, "No family. No friends. No anything."

"Whatever." Michael rolled his eyes, feeling like it was a personal attack being put onto him.

But he suddenly felt a sharp hold on his jaw, forcing him to look at Ashton who stood directly in front of him.

"What if we gave you something to live for?"

"What could you give me that would give me something to live for?"

"Love." He answered so simply, like it was an easy answer.

Michael scoffed like it was a joke. But then he saw the matching serious looks on Calum and Ashton.

He felt Ashton press their fronts together while Luke was already pressed against Michael from behind him. Calum moved so he was standing next to Michael's side.

His eyes widened and his body tensed from the sudden closeness from all of them, especially when Ashton moved his hand down from his jaw and to his heart.

"Even if your heart doesn't work, you can still love and be loved."

"You don't know what you're talking about. I don't want to love or to be loved." He said, trying to convince himself that it was the truth.

"Oh really? Because when I compelled you, you said something completely different."

"Well it didn't work and I lied."

"Let me compel you then. I'm the only one who hasn't." Ashton said.

"Fine. Do it."

Michael thought if he tried hard to fight against the compulsion he could lie, but of course that's not how it went.

Ashton looked into Michael's pretty eyes before he asked, "Do you want to love and to be loved?"


The three grinned in success while Michael rolled his eyes slightly. Luke leaned forwards to press his lips against Michael's right ear.

"There's no reason to lie to us, newborn."

"Just let go of me." He tried pulling his arms away from Luke again.

"Like I said: get out."

"I can't!"

"Fine." Luke said, letting go of Michael and watching as he stepped away from them.

"We're going to keep working on your weaknesses." Ashton said matter-of-factly, "So be prepared."


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