1 - Vampires

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1 - Vampires

With a seemingly never ending frown on his face, the immortal man moved throughout the night, following his leader.

Immortality has been the same ever since he turned into a vampire; it was glim and dark. He was turned by his leader and he's never had the courage to leave the evil clan he was turned into.

He was picked for tonight to guide and protect his leader, which was the point of her making so many followers. They were her protectors. To make sure she would never be harmed in any of ways.

So she always sacrificed her followers, using them as a mere save for her own self. Michael knew it was only inevitable until he'd be sacrificed. Maybe even tonight would be one of those nights.

He stood silently behind her, following her where ever it was that she was going in the night. He knew the repercussions of disobeying her rules.

He then knew exactly where they were going once they arrived to the front of the building. It was a nice, elegant building for those of the night to attend together. It brought vampires together. And any mortals who dared to enter would only end up as the special drink of the night.

He followed his leader inside, who's name was the infamous Katrina Maushe, until they sat at the main long table only reserved for the most influential of vampires.

"Michael." Katrina called.

"Yes, Leader?"

"The three vampires we're meeting tonight, they're...different than the usual ones we meet."

"Yes, Leader."

Michael had questions on what she meant, but he knew better than to ask. He could only hope she explained herself.

"They're more influential and powerful than even me. And I owe them debts I cannot give them; that would be the only reason as to why they came here. They have all the ability to kill me."

That's when Michael really got worried. Because that meant if she was going to be killed, she would exchange her life for Michael's. And even if he allowed her to get killed, he'd be hunted and taken down by the clan.

He was going to die tonight.

And then three vampires sat across from them at the black, Victorian table.

"Four glasses." Katrina ordered to a waitress who was passing by, making her nod in understanding. Everyone knew around here that Katrina was to be served first.

"Hello, gentlemen. It's been a few decades now."

Michael was scared, but all he could was sit there quietly as they discussed business. But it was hard to ignore the three men sat across from them.

Their power was basically flooding the entire building. It was oozing out, making it impossible to ignore or to even breathe properly. So good thing Michael didn't have to actually breathe.

The waitress came back, passing the blood glasses out to Katrina and to the three men. She was about to leave, but one of the men swiftly stopped her.

"One for him as well."

That's when everyone's eyes fell onto Michael and he just wished he was dead already. He looked sideways and at Katrina for instructions.

"No need." She said.

"I insist." The man said in a way that let Katrina know that she didn't have a choice. Michael was getting a glass.

The waitress nodded, going on her way.

Katrina never ordered glasses for her followers. It reminded them of their place below her and everyone else she conducted business with.

"What's your name?"

Michael definitely wanted to be dead already when the same man then asked him. Again, he looked at Katrina for instruction.

"This is my Michael..." She hummed out, caressing Michael's cheek, "A loyal follower since day one of his transformation. I found his poor, broken self on the streets, dying with no future left to look forward to. But I became his savior."

The waitress then came back with Michael's glass, passing it to him before leaving.

"Drink it, Michael. And thank Ashton."

He grabbed the glass, looking at the three men, "Thank you."

The three were looking at him in a way where Michael felt exposed. Their stares were so deep and powerful. He wanted to let out a sigh of relief when they then went into business.

"Katrina, I think you know why we're here." Another man with dark hair said, "We're here to collect what's ours."

"I know, Calum. I thought I would retrieve the ring by now, but I haven't been able to find it."

"Well that's a shame." The blonde one said sarcastically, "Then we will have to receive another form of payment. And I do believe you know what that would mean."

Michael felt shivers go down his spine, especially when he heard her laugh darkly and place her hand on his shoulder.

"Oh, Luke, I am aware of what it means. However...I have a proposition for you."


"You take my follower's life instead. And you give me more time to find the ring. Then you'll receive the ring and a life of a dear follower of mine who will be dreadfully missed."

That's what she always said.

Michael watched as the three men glanced at each other before they all nodded.

"We'll accept your proposition. However..." Ashton said strictly, "If you do not find the ring within one year from today then we will not accept anymore propositions. And you will be taken instead."

"A year?" She asked astonished.

"We've already given you 50 years. You should have found it by now." Calum said as he got up from his seat ready to leave.

"Find it and give it to us. Or you know the punishment." Luke stated while him and Ashton also stood up.

She nodded before looking at Michael, "Follow them."

And that's all Michael got as his goodbye.


Chapter oneeee omg how do I tell you guys I already have 15 chapters written


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