2 - Newborn

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2 - Newborn

Michael didn't know what was going to happen to him as he followed the three vampires out of the building and into the night once again.

He didn't know if they would make it swift and fast. Or if they would drag it into something long and painful.

"Are you ready?" Calum asked once the group stopped behind the building and looked at Michael knowingly.

He silently nodded, closing his eyes and waiting to meet his end.

But...he didn't feel anything?

He hesitantly opened his eyes to see the men still standing exactly where they were when he had closed them.

"We're not going to kill you." Luke said.

"Why? That's what you're supposed to do."

"Do we look like men who do what we're supposed to do?" Luke mused.

Michael stayed quiet. He didn't know how he was supposed to answer.

"What would you like me for then?"

"You're free." Ashton answered.

"...Free?" He asked in confusion, looking around his surroundings in slight fear. He'd never been alone as a vampire. He didn't know what to do. Even though the situation he was in before with his leader wasn't fair, it was the only thing Michael knew how to do.

"You may come with us if you'd like."

Michael looked back at them, seeing Calum continue speaking.

"Do you have a sun ring?"

"A what?"

"A sun ring."

"I...I don't know what that is?"

"How long have you been a vampire?" Ashton asked confused.

"Seventy-eight years."

"You're young, newborn." Luke grinned, making Michael curious as to how old they were. But he was trained not to ask questions and to instead remain quiet.

"Not too young to where he doesn't know about these." Calum hummed out in thought, "Did Katrina not teach you anything?"

"Um...Leader taught me how to feed, use my speed and strength, and told me about the sun and wooden stakes."

"That's it?" Luke asked ridiculously.


"Well you're definitely coming with us then, newborn."

"To join your clan?"

"You could say that."

"We'll have to take transportation then, since he doesn't have a sun ring." Ashton said rationally, knowing what would happen if they travelled by feet.

"What do I...What do I call you all?" He asked. He didn't want to ask questions, but he also knew what happened to him when he called Katrina by her name for the first time.

"I'm Ashton. This is Luke and Calum."

"Don't you want me to call you by other names? Like Leader? Or Master?"  

"As intriguing as you calling me master sounds...It's only Luke."

Michael nodded quietly, trying to get used to this sudden new afterlife of his.


The whole car ride back to the three's clan was a surprise to Michael. The men were powerful enough that they managed to buy a whole new car and had all the windows tinted to where the sun wouldn't come through the windows, like it was no issue at all to the men.

But it was amazing to Michael. He hadn't seen the outside during the day since he was a human. So during the whole eighteen hour drive, he was watching the outside flash by him.

It was fortunately night time once the group of four vampires made it to where they were destined to.

It was a dark, large house placed in the middle of the woods. They were probably the only ones anywhere around an area so secluded.

"This is your room." Calum finally said in the middle of his house tour to Michael, making the youngest vampire's eyes widen.

"I have a room?"

"Why would you not?"

"We don't sleep."

"You still need a space for yourself."

Michael's eyes widened even more once Calum opened the door and walked through, resulting in Michael following him in and looking around.

"Did Katrina give you a room?"


The whole room was black just like the rest of the house. The bed, antique dressers, walls, floors, doors, and windows were all draped with the dark color.

"You have one here."

Michael nodded silently, following Calum out and listening while he kept giving him a small tour.

"I'm sorry, but um...Where is everyone else?"

"Everyone else?" Calum asked, towering over Michael and looking confusedly into his eyes.

If Michael's heart still beat then he knew it would have rapidly increased right then and there by being so close to the other vampire.

"Your clan."

"It's just Ashton, Luke, and I. And now you."

"And you're more powerful than Leader?" Michael asked shocked.

"We don't need the numbers to overpower everyone else." Michael saw a sly smirk of pride show on Calum's face, making him nod.

"Why am I...Why am I here then? If you don't have anyone else other than you three?"

Calum paused almost like he didn't even have the answer himself. The older vampire never ended up answering his question.


Stop why am I in such a vampire mood right now

Struggling real hard not to write a human!michael and vampire!calum, ashton, and luke story right now


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