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Harper stared at the emails on her laptop replying consecutively. Most of them were from colleagues who had sent over outfit designs for the upcoming expos. That's one thing Harper did enjoy about the fashion world, she'd made a great deal of friends who enjoyed showing off their ideas to one another. She thought about her own designs and wondered if they were going to be amazing enough this year to finally get a section at the event. God willing. With all of her drawings and sketches spread out in front of her she sighed. Every year it had been the same five designers, and every year she worked her ass off to be a part of the lineup. She held up one design in particular. A Brown Tulle Maxi Dress. It was perfect for the expo. She thought about it for a minute before sending the design to Gregory. If this year was a repeat of the previous years, at least one of her designs would be featured. Gregory would make sure of that. Each year he took it upon himself to have at least one of her designs blended in with his. If no one else in that office saw her for the amazing designer she was, Gregory always would. She finished checking all her work emails and decided to check up on her personal business. She opened the email and clicked on the first message she saw.

Now that she thought about it---she should've just left her personal email closed---

To: Harper Sullivan
From: Katherine Vaughn
Cc: Landon T. Armstrong; Harmony J. Sullivan

Hello Ms. Sullivan,

I am going through my recent guest list and see that you have yet to R.S.V.P. in regards to the wedding of Mr. & Mrs. Armstrong. Please feel free to click on the link below confirming your attendance. If you have decided to no longer celebrate with said newlyweds please disregard this message in its entirety. The deadline is this Friday. A week from today. We do hope to see you there!

Thank you,
Katherine Vaughn, CWP.

Harper rolled her eyes to the ceiling and groaned before closing and pushing her laptop away from her. Damn, she was sick of hearing and reading about their damn wedding. Who do Harmony and Landon think they are. Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. At least Landon had finally taken the hint and stopped reaching out to her. Hm, maybe that's why this email had CC'd both of them. She guessed they figured that would be the only way she'd respond. Harper smirked. The joke was on them, she had no intentions on replying to anything regarding this wedding from hell. If she decided to show up, they'd know once she arrived. She walked to the kitchenette, her silky robe flowing freely behind her and grabbed a bottle of champagne from the bar. "The perks of hotel living on your bosses dime." She said satisfied. "Thank you, Daaria." Without even thinking to grab a glass she popped open the bubbly and drank straight from the bottle. It was much needed. A glass would've only slowed her down. She pulled the crumpled wedding invitation out of her purse and stared at it, hugging the champagne bottle close to her chest. "This was supposed to be me," she said, "I was supposed to be Mrs. Landon Armstong. I was supposed to have the babies and be the perfect wife. Two boys, remember that. You really dropped the fucking ball, Mr. Armstrong. Little do you know, your future wife can't even have children. So," she took a long drink of the champagne, "figure that shit out." It shouldn't have made her feel good inside, making fun of her sister's health issues, but it did. Or maybe it was the champagne talking and she'd regret feeling that way in the morning. All she saw right now was karma doing her job. She placed the invitation on her closed laptop and slid it to the other end of the bed before tuning into the premiere.


*bang bang*
Harper jumped from the loud banging on her room door. She scanned around her pitch black room before eyeing the digital clock that sat on her bedside table. 3:06am. She squinted at the illuminating light. Silence fell over her room except for the bathroom fan she always kept running. Maybe she was just dreaming. *bang bang* The pounding on the door sounded again. This time she jumped to her feet grabbing the empty champagne bottle that laid next to her. She held it in a batting position. Whoever the fuck you are, you're about to meet Jesus! "I have a gun!" She shouted, hoping that would startle the stranger. "A gun! Harper, it's Tish!" She blew a sigh through her lips and lowered the bottle when she heard Letitias voice on the other end of the door. She was still confused but at least she didn't have to murder anyone tonight. She quickly opened the door and there stood Letitia, still wearing her premiere outfit. Oh yeah, my late night cuddle buddy. "Fuck, I want you." Letitia spoke as she walked in on unsteady feet, catching herself on the hallway wall before she fell over. She laughed. Harper shook her head and laughed. Great, she's drunk. "I guess someone had a great time tonight," Harper said. She put her arm out, giving Letitia something to hold on to. "Two words," Letitia said, holding up two fingers in Harper's face. "Jack and Daniel's. Jackdaaaaniel's." She said in a sing-song tone. Harper walked her over to the bed, laying her down as gently as she could. Letitia wasn't a heavy woman but dead weight was dead weight no matter how small. She let out a hard breath, holding her lower back. Damn Harper, get in the gym. "I lost her, Harper. I lost her." Letitia sat up, hanging her feet over the bed. "She was the love of my life and I lost her. I love her so much. Ineedhersomuch." She slurred. Harper stared up at Letitia as she continued taking her shoes off. "Who was the love of your life?" She asked. Did she really want to know where this was about to go? Probably not, but she was going there anyway. Letitia let out a sigh and wiped at her eyes. "Morgan. She's the only woman I've ever loved. You're not Morgan. You're pretty like Morgan but you aren't her. I love her. I love her. She's who I should be with right now. I should be in her bed, not yours." Harper felt her heart clinch in her chest. If Letitia wasn't so drunk she'd have thrown her out. Oh, who was she kidding. She thought about earlier in the day at Letitia's room when one of the women mentioned her being fresh on the market. As much as she wanted to say something in that moment she knew it wasn't her place. Yes, she enjoyed the flirtatious moments they shared and even the night that followed but that's just it---flirtatious moments and a one night stand. No matter how she felt initially. Harper finished getting Letitia into bed and covered her. She was asleep as soon as her head touched the pillow. Without a second thought Harper walked into her bathroom and proceeded to grab Tylenol before grabbing a water bottle from her kitchenette. She placed both items on the nightstand and watched as a drunk and sleeping Letitia lied. After hearing Letitias inebriated confession she had no interest in getting in bed next to her. The pullout bed in the living area would do for the rest of the night. Some part of her wanted to wake Letitia and get some much needed answers, but even in her befuddled state she cared how she treated her. Besides how much information would she truly get out of her in the condition she was in. She did wonder though---did she cheat on her with me! Is that why they are no longer together? That thought alone made her stomach queasy. Harper considered herself many things---and floozy or mistress wasn't one of them. She pulled the throw blanket up to her chin and stared into the darkness. Who was she kidding thinking her and Letitia could possibly be something real. Letitia was a celebrity, she probably did shit like this all the time. Life was just one huge orgy for her as far as she was concerned.

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