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I packed up my things and looked over at Noeul who was busy fooling around with Peat at the lockers. I was about to walk over to him when Fort came in. But I saw Fort wear his sunglasses immediately and grabbed his bag. That was weird. It was indoors so why was this weirdo wearing glasses? 

Fort went over to the 2 boys, muttered something and then turned. Once he saw me, he just smiled but I could see it was forced. He just smiled and then he went off.

What was going on? The two boys looked at me, equally lost too. I perused
my lips but decided to check in with him later. We went off, for dinner and on my way home, I decided to stop by Fort's house and check in on him. I knocked on his door and at first there was no response. I knocked again but still no response. I sighed softly, knowing he must be home since the lights were on. I waited a while more before I walked away. But just as I got to my car, the door opened.


"Nong! You ok?"

I smiled at Fort cheerily, who just tried to break out one of his own. His eyes were red rimmed though and it looked like he had been crying.

"Fort. Is everything ok? Why are your eyes so red?"

Fort shook his head, insisting everything was ok. I narrowed my eyes at him, knowing something was off. I walked over to him and grabbed his hand, tugging him gently towards me.

"Tell me what's wrong please?"

Fort sighed softly before he confessed that he got rejected from the audition again for this role he had been trying for. It was his 3rd attempt at auditioning and all 3 times had been futile. He had also found out the role had gone to another colleague who was already well known for head butting with Fort often. I sighed. Rejection was part and parcel of our industry and Fort knew that too but it still stung everytime. Plus Fort was someone who always put in 💯 effort in whatever he did so failing over and over again just took a toll on him.

I sighed. He just tried to smile at me but I knew it was failing. I just rubbed his hair affectionately. Fort was the youngest of the group and we all had a soft spot for him. Though he was cheeky and often upto some mischief, he was also incredibly hardworking and dedicated to whatever he did. So I knew he was feeling particularly upset.

"Do you want to go out for ice cream and some karaoke?"

"But you don't even like karaoke."

"But you do and you can finally see me sing. Ok?"

Fort instantly smiled. He nodded and went off to get his wallet and jacket. There you go, that heartfelt cheery grin that was missing all day. Fort told me to leave my bag in his house and car behind. We took his bike and he rode over.

I directed him towards this really famous cafe for ice cream. It was open 24/7 but it was like 11pm now so I knew it be relatively quiet. When we reached there, we were one of the few customers only. I saw Fort's eyes light up as he studied the ice cream flavors. I just watched him as he scanned them and finally picked out Cocoa Chocolate and Raspberry Delight. I got myself a Mango and Passionfruit Sorbet and we took a booth at the back. Fort sat opposite me and we swapped flavors as we chatted. As Fort was eating, I couldn't help but laugh at this messy Nong of mine.

"Stay still you cow. Look at how messy you are."

I leaned over and wiped the smidge of ice cream away near his mouth and lips. He smiled at me as I cleaned him. He really was like a child though how he carried off such a manly character onscreen always surprised me.

Once we finished off the ice cream, we headed for karaoke. That was something he enjoyed and was his element so he led the way around and I hung back a little. I walked around studying the vinyl records as he was booking the room. Just then, I saw these 2-3 girls who came in chattering away and once they saw me, they shrieked a bit!

I just waiied respectfully at them and they came over, wanting to take photos. I obliged them but thankfully Fort came over on time. They got even more excited seeing him and asked him for photos and all. Fort was obliging but I could see he was getting a little overwhelmed by the attention. I just smiled, putting my hands firmly around his waist and rescuing him politely.

We went into the karaoke room and once we closed the door, I stood against the door whilst Fort just stood infront of me. We both laughed over the situation. We knew we had made a ripple in the industry with our show but always being faced with such love and warmth tickled us and we still didn't know how to handle it.

I didn't realize I was still holding onto Fort and once I did, my face blushed.

"Oooops sorry."

"Dont be. Thank you for rescuing me earlier. No wonder Rain adores you na. You are soooooo protective P Phayuuuuu."

"Idiot! Stop teasing me na! That was just a show!!!"

Fort chuckled! We had a good time at karaoke and left around 2am. Fort insisted I stayed over so I took a shower and came to see Fort sleeping away on the couch. I just laughed and woke him up, chasing him to go sleep in the room.

I climbed into bed with him and he took the right side whilst I slept on the left. "Thank you for today. It got a bit sad in the middle but ended on such a good note. I'm thankful for you."

"Don't be silly Fort. We are friends. Plus I will always look after you."

Fort turned to look at me and smiled. I looked at him before raising my hands at him. He smiled at me and then smacked my arms away. I laughed, knowing that Fort was annoyed at me for teasing him!

We chatted a bit more before we finally dozed off. I woke up around 9am, only to find Fort holding onto me as I slept on my right side. Boy was spooning me? When did this happen?!

I didn't move but just looked at his hands wrapped around me. For some reason, it didn't seem so bad. I decided to enjoy it a bit more before Fort woke up. I held onto his hands too as I dozed off again.

I woke up around noon and this time, the bed was empty. I sat up, sleepily looking around. Fort came in, fresh faced, having showered and changed.


"Hmmm" I grunted sleepily.

"Take a shower na. I got the bath prepared for you. Towel inside too."

I nodded sleepily and Fort left me to my devices as I got ready. I went out to see Fort prepping some lunch for us. I just stood at the kitchen, watching him as he quietly was immersed in his tasks, oblivious to me.

If anyone saw him, no one would ever think he was capable of being sad or angry. But only I knew how it was possible and it broke my heart a little knowing that this poor boy had been through the wringer. He definitely didn't deserve it.

I sighed and just then he looked up, finally registering my presence. But the smile that came on his face when he saw me, it sealed and set the tone for my day.

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