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Boss and I had to wake up early to just go through the script and also meet with P Aof who was going to give us more of a in depth run down of our roles.

"You two are friends who realized that you are falling for each other over the course of the show. Really like best friends and lovers. More playful and honest moments than serious ones. Being able to be just yourselves around each other and just having that random kiss or hug to express your love. Now can you see why you two will be perfect for these roles?"

I nodded and took notes as I listened to P Aof. I glanced at Boss who was stoning a bit. What was with this fellow? Once we were done, Boss disappeared for a bit. I packed up my things and went down to the foyer only to find Boss sitting there, head in his hand.

"Are you ok?"


I looked at him. Boss was unnecessarily quiet. I sat down next to him and felt his neck. He wad unusually hot. I instantly knew he was having a fever.

"How long have you been having a fever? You didn't say anything at all Boss."

"It started when I woke up. I didn't think too much of it.. but it seems to be worsening.."

I sighed. I grabbed his hand. "Let's get you home, some meds and sleep will do the trick."

"I will be fine. I can do it myself. You got classes right? You go ahead first."

"Boss I can skip classes for 1 day. Its fine."

"Don't be silly Fort. You gotta to submit an assignment. You were telling me yesterday. You go on ahead. I be fine. I promise.'

I groaned nearly forgetting about my assignment. I nodded. I watched as Boss took off in a cab back home whilst I went off to class. It was a long day and I only got home around 4pm. I didn't have to go in daily, opting for online lessons but assignment submissions had to be done in person.

I got home and the house was stealthily quiet. I looked around and couldn't find Boss at all. He wasn't anywhere. I called his phone but no reply. I took a shower and started making dinner, calling and texting him but no response. Finally around 8pm, he came home. He looked completely pale and seemed to be shivering.

I quickly got him to sit down whilst I pulled a jacket on for him.

"Where were you?? Didn't you tell me you would come home and rest?"

Boss looked at me guiltily but didn't say anything.

"I'm asking you Boss. Where were you? Look at how terrible you look."

"I was on my way to the doctor when I bumped into Noeul and Peat. They needed help as they were moving so I went to help them instead. Once I was done, I quickly ubered home."

"Help them with moving?"

"Yes.. we jsut shifted the furniture and carried the stuff up."

"They couldn't hire movers? They had movers. I remember that. You could have told them you were sick. They wouldn't have pestered you to continue."

"I know but I figured me helping them would get things done faster and we were done in about 3 hours. I..look I'm.. "

I just stared speechless at Boss.

"You are sick. And instead of looking after yourself, you are still looking after others. Will it kill you to put yourself as priority for once?"

Boss was quiet. He stood up wanting to say something but I was so angry that I just went to the room and locked it shut. I refused to speak to him. If he wanted to be an idiot, he can continue doing so!

I heard Boss knocking on my door but absolutely ignored him. Finally around 10pm, I opened the door and he was sitting outside, having showered and changed. He had a bowl of soup and when he saw me, he immediately stood up, wanting to go get me food and I flat out rejected him insisting I could do it myself. Boss tagged after me into the kitchen and apologised profusely.

"I'm sorry na. I didn't mean to make you upset. Its Noeul and Peat that's why I helped. You know you would have done the exact same thing too."

"But not if you are sick. You were running such a high temp. Don't you get it?!?"

I fumed at him. I turned away, completely upset that he was refusing to look after himself.

Boss was silent and then he came to hug me from the back. I shrugged him off, "Stop acting like the boyfriend in the drama. This isn't fiction. It's real. Stop using his moves to pacify me."

I snapped at Boss and turned to go out when he held onto my hand tightly. I tried to wrestle it out and he gripped it firmly. He pulled me towards him and just hugged me whispering softly, "I'm not trying to pacify my onscreen boyfriend. I'm trying to pacify you. I'm sorry. Please. Don't ignore me anymore."

The familiar scent of Boss enveloped me as he held onto me. It soothed me as usual and i found myself wavering and nodding my head. We finally pulled away and I made sure he finished his soup and took his medicines before tucking him into bed.

I went to do the dishes once he fell asleep and that's when his lines from before flitted into my head.

"I'm not trying to pacify my onscreen boyfriend. I'm trying to pacify you."

"You?" What does "you" even mean? Idiot. Wasn't I even a friend or a close friend? What did "you" mean?

Are We Or Are We Not? [Completed]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora