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I was still reading the script whilst Fort made us dinner. I honestly wasn't sure myself if we would be able to pull it off but I knew we had to give it a shot.

As I was flitting through the page, I saw a scene where my character was surprise back hugging his as he did dinner. I looked up at Fort who was busy. Seemed like a perfect opportunity. Let's see if we can pull it off.

I walked over to him and just wrapped my hands around him softly. I rested my cheek against his hair as I felt him stiffen up. I realized his discomfort and pulled away, apologising.

I was about to turn away when Fort held onto my hand. "It's my first time having you attempt anything like this on me. You gotta give me time to adjust. Stop over thinking it please."

I looked at Fort. I was red faced. I didn't know how to respond. I instantly had pulled away because I thought he didn't like it and I didn't want him to be uncomfortable. Fort just came up to me and laid his head on my chest, wrapping his arms around me. We were pretty close in height though he looked like a little mouse now.

"I'm sorry. I know we both need time to adjust. And I don't mean to over think it. I just don't want you to be uncomfortable."

Fort looked at me and grinned. "Awwww isn't my Boss so sweet?"

"IDIOT! STOP TEASING ME." I flicked at his forehead and he laughed at me. Fort chuckled as he pulled away from me.

I watched as he went to continue dinner prep and I stood closer to him, just having my hands on the counter, standing behind him. He just continued his dinner prep and we chatted about the script.

"I remember seeing this part where my boyfriend says sorry for making me annoyed. Maybe we should try that part."

"Why not the part where my boyfriend says sorry to me for making me jealous?"

We both looked at each other and burst out laughing!!! We just couldn't take it. I just laughed and rested my cheeks gently against his hair as he did dinner for us.

Once dinner was over, I washed up as Fort settled some stuff for uni. He was taking classes privately part time so he had some assignments to finish. I never stayed with him before so being with him allowed me to see another side of him. He was actually quite serious and very focused when he was doing his work. I watched him from the kitchen as I washed up and made tea for us.

I went out with a tea for him and a beer for myself. Noeul called me and I was chatting with him. He had heard about my new role and was teasing me over it. I just laughed and shushed him before hanging up.

I looked over at Fort who was still doing his work. I just watched him as he perused his work and jutted his lips out as he was engaged wholly in his work.

"Did this guy always look this cute?"

"I didn't realize he could be so serious about his work."

"Look at the way he frowns and scrunches his eyebrows as he does his work."

"His handwriting is like shit. Poor lecturer of his."

A steady stream of inner monologues went on in my head as I watched him. Without realizing it, I fell asleep at the couch. Around 1am, I stirred awake and woke up, to see a blanket on me and Fort missing. I stood up and went to the bedroom, only to find him reading on his bed.

"You didn't sleep?"

"Nope. Wasn't too tired. Wanted to watch TV but didn't want to disturb you so decided to read the script. You are awake? Come sleep here."

"I'm sorry. You should have just watched the TV. Its your house Fort. Don't have to..."

"Don't be silly. It's our house now. And I wouldn't want to disturb your sleep over some TV program."

"Our house?"

"Who's my boyfriend? You right? Then whose house this is?"

I grinned as Fort raised the script up. He was really pouring his heart and soul into this. I just smiled as I got into bed. Just as I settled into bed, Fort was about to climb out.

"Where you going?!?"

"Let you sleep na. I will go continue reading in the hall."

"It's nearly 2. Just sleep already. How can you let your poor boyfriend sleep alone?"

I pouted at Fort who just glared at me and I chuckled. He rolled his eyes as he kept away his stuff and laid down. I looked over at him.

I raised my arms at him and this time, he came into my arms as I wrapped them tightly around him. "You been memorising the script too huh? Scene 4."

I just smiled and hummed in agreement. But shit, how do I tell him I did it because I wanted to and not because I had memorised some scene. Heck, I didn't even know there was such a scene!

Are We Or Are We Not? [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now