Daddy Got Caught

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*Jasmine's POV*

"D-Daddy that tickles!", I heard my daughter said while giggling trying to get away from him. I laughed as she ran to hide behind me. I picked her and kissed her cheek walking to the bed where Brian was. "I'm gonna take a shower", he said getting up and walking to the bathroom. "Come on bug let's get you ready for bed", I said. 15 minutes later Brian came out the bathroom with a towel around his waist. "Sorry forgot my clothes", he said. I gave him his clothes while he gave me a smile. While me and Presley were in bed waiting for Brian my phone rings. "Hello", I said. "Hey girl where's bullet at?", Tej asked. "Hold on let me get him", I said. I walked to the bathroom and knocked on the door. He opened it while he was brushing his teeth. I handed him the phone and walked back to the bed getting back in and cuddling to Presley. Brian came out and started putting his shoes on. "You got a race baby?", I asked him. "Yeah, they need a fourth person and I want to provide for my family", he said. "OK just be careful and try not to get caught alright babe?", I said. "I will baby", he said standing up. "You promise?", I asked getting up as well. " I promise", he said. I kissed him for good luck even though I know he doesn't need it I mean his nickname is bullet for a reason. I got back in bed and brought Pres in my arms falling asleep.

*1 hour later*

I was woken up by phone ringing. I had got a text from the police station saying that I need to come get Brian out. I signed and started to get ready. When I was done I walked to Presley and picked her up. She started to wake up. "Mommy what's going on?", she asked me rubbing her eyes with her balled up hands. "We are going to uncle Tej and see if he can take us to see daddy", I said. "Hey girl hey P what's up?", he said. "I need you to take us to get Brian", I said. He agreed and when we got there I thanked Tej as he drove off. When we got in there Presley was asleep so I had to carry her til I saw a familiar face. "Hey Bilkins", I said walking to him. "Hey Jas you here for Brian?", he asked. "Yeah I got a text saying to come get him", I said. We walked to where Brian was and he was sitting in a chair with his hands cuffed behind his back. Bilkins uncuffed him and he got up walking to me and Presley saying that he was sorry and that he didn't mean to. "Babe it's OK I know you didn't mean to but you need to apologize to our baby girl. He grabbed her from me and started to gently wake her up. "Presley wake up sweetheart", he said. She started to wake up and looked at him. "What's going on daddy?", she asked. "Baby girl daddy got caught", he said. "Let's take a walk O'Connor", Bilkins said. "Me and mommy come too?", Pres asked him. He nodded and we started to walk out of the room. Brian looked back at me a sorry looked on his face. I placed a hand on his face and I kissed him and told him it was OK and walking out with my hand in his.

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