A New Plan

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(Jasmine's hair and outfit)

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(Jasmine's hair and outfit)

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(Presley's hair and outfit)

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(Presley's hair and outfit)

*Jasmine's POV*

Today is the day Carter Verone goes down. Me and Presley are at the station with Bilkins looking at all monitors in order to keep track of the boys. I'm on the phone with Brian right now. "You girls alright?", he asked. "Yeah, we're alright...what about you two? You guys alright?", I asked back. "Yeah, we're good. Where's Presley?", he asked. I told him she was with me asked if he wanted to talk to her. He said yes so I handed her the phone. "Hello?", she asked. "Hey peanut.", he said. "Hi daddy!", she said excitedly. "You be good for mama okay? Daddy and uncle Roman will be back soon.", he said. "I will but you be careful and don't hurt okay daddy?", she asked him. "I will baby I promise.", he said giving her a kiss through the phone. She gave him one back then gave the phone back to me. "Both of you better come back to us, you hear me?", I asked. "I promise you and babygirl we'll come back.", he said. "I love you Brian.", I said. "I love you too Jasmine.", he said. I hung up the phone and started to look at the monitors while Presley was eating her lunch I packed for her. We started to get a visual on the boys so we could see them but saw they were going a different direction. "Where are they going?", Bilkins asked. They drove into a lot and the cops were surrounding them but soon the doors slide up and multiple cars came flying out. I smiled realizing it was a scramble in order to lose the cops.

*Brian's POV*

"Y'all let's break.", I said in the walkie. We were able to break away from the scramble in the cars we won in the street race. I got on the walkie talking to Tej. "Hey Tej, thanks a lot. You're clutch I owe you, big time.", I said. He said I owe both him and Suki. As I turned down a street I talked to Rome on the walkie. "Yo Rome, you there man?", I asked. "What's up man?", he asked me. "It looks like we got just one more trick left, huh?", I said. "My pleasure, buddy. Let's do it baby.", he said.

Jasmine's POV

We were running to a helicopter to try and find them. I prayed they were alright cause I don't plan on losing anyone. We got in and strapped in placing Presley on my lap holding her tight. "Mama are we going to see daddy and uncle Roman?", she asked looking at me. "Yeah baby, we're gonna try and meet up with them and take down the bad man.", I tell her. She nods her head and continues to look out the window.

Roman's POV (bet you didn't see this coming huh lol)

"Enjoying the ride?", I asked as I looked at Roberto but he just looked me. "Man it's a fast car huh? Man it's a classic. Old school. American muscle.", I said. "Man, this car can all kinda things man. Wanna see?", I asked laughing. "Check this out right here, homie.", I said as I unbuckled his seatbelt. He screamed "What you doing man?" as I grabbed his head and banged it on the dashboard. As he was holding his head in I started laughing then grabbed a button and pressed it making the door fly off then his seat out the car. "Ejecto seato, cuz! It worked, I love this button!", I yelled out laughing as I drove on. "Stay on your toes, puto!", I said then grabbed the walkie to talk to Brian. "Mr. O'Connor, it worked baby. Blow and go, I'm all clear. Meet me at the point, hurry up man. It's on baby.", I said.

Brian's POV

"All right 10-4 man.", I replied. I kept looking at Enrique with the button in my hand wiating the right time to press it. "Get off at Tarpon Point.", he said. "Tarpon Point? There's no airstrip at Tarpon Point.", I said confused. "Who said anything about an airstrip?", he said looking at me. I lowered the button still looking at him then faced the road again realizing we had a problem. "Brian. Brian man what's the holdup, brah?", I heard Rome ask on the walkie. "Yo, Rome there's a new plan.", I replied. "What the hell?", he said. "We're meeting at the Tarpon Point exit, not the airstrip.", I said. "So what are you saying?", he asked. "Like I said there's a new plan.", I said looking back at Enrique as he looked at me smirking. I pulled into what looked like shipyard or something seeing a van and a boat. I stopped the car when one of Veron's men pointed a gun at me. I got when they told me to going to the back opening the trunk out grabbing the money. "Where's the rest of it?", he asked. "The other car.", I replied. "Another car. Where's the other car?", he then asked. "On its way.", I said. "On the way, huh?", he asked. "Yeah. Here's your money.", I said dropping it at his feet. "So you know nothing about the agents that stormed my jet?", he asked. I shook my head no while he looked around a bit before looking back at me. "The funny thing is that I only told one person about the airstrip.", he said before checking his watch and walking over to Monica stroking her cheek. "Customs agents sure are getting pretty, aren't they?", he said then told one of his guys to put her on the boat.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2023 ⏰

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