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Michael's P.O.V

"Michael, you guys still  back there?" I heard Bill laugh from outside the window.

"Yeah, yeah! We're ready to get out now!" I hesitantly called back, slowly peeling my body off of Y/N's while avoiding eye contact, for I knew if I looked at her, I'd just have to tell Bill to drive us back to my place.

Bill opened the door, letting Y/N out first. She took his hand and stepped (very gracefully for someone under the influence) onto the sidewalk in front of the club. I didn't mention this to Y/N, but I'd paid for the paparazzi to be banned from the premises and had this block closed off for the night so we could actually enjoy ourselves.

Plus, the last thing we needed was to start the rumor mill spinning, though I wouldn't have minded the public thinking we were a couple...

The truth is, ever since I first met Y/N, I've been hooked. No other woman could ever compare in my eyes. But I'm not sure she feels the same. I've never had trouble with women, but I'm just so awkward when it comes to her.

Bill extended his hand to help me out of the car, but I swatted it away, motioning subtly at Y/N. Bill nodded apologetically, and I saluted him before linking arms with Y/N and walking towards the front doors.

She smiles a big dopey smile at me, the vodka clearly starting to take effect. "Mikey, I'm really happy you decided to take me out tonight," she pauses, stammering, "I mean, not like that — just, thank you," she finishes, looking anxiously at her feet.

I can tell something's bothering her, but the burly, mean-looking bouncer interrupts my train of thought before I can assess it. "Damn, Y/N, you look just as sexy as you do on TV. Now, who's this scrub you brought with you?" he asked Y/N, motioning dismissively in my direction.

"You really shouldn't speak to him like that; It's disrespectful; besides, he's-

"What is he, your boyfriend or something? Well, I think you can do much better," the bouncer said gruffly, smirking at Y/N, who just shuffled uncomfortably in place.

She took a deep breath and stood up as straight as she could, slurring a little bit, "No, he's not my boyfriend, but-

"Oh, perfect, so when can I take you out?" the bouncer persists, pulling his glasses down and winking at Y/N. My free hand starts to clench into a fist.

Unlinking my arm from Y/N's to stand eye-to-eye with the bouncer, I said in a threateningly calm voice, "Ayo, I'm gonna need you to shut that shit up right now, and kindly let us the fuck inside."

The smirk dropped from the bouncer's face. "I'm gonna need to see some ID. You see, we're very exclusive. We don't want Y/N's random boy toys as clientele."

It takes a lot of strength for me not to punch this motherfucker in the face, or at least cuss him out. At least.

I just scoff and take my sunglasses off, and a look of shock and then embarrassment crosses his face as he begins to apologize profusely.

"I'm so sorry, Mr. Jackson, I had no idea-

"Just open the door, man,"

The bouncer-turned-butler immediately ushered us toward the door and opened it with a grand gesture. Loud music fills my ears, the party almost beckoning us in. "Yes, yes, of course, come right on in-

"And enjoy this night; it's the last one you'll spend working for any club, let alone this one," I added as I swiftly retook Y/N's arm and escorted her into the loud club, hoping I'd go unnoticed by the crowd under my glasses.

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