Thanksgiving Surprise 1/2: Welcome Home, Michael

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The trip home from New York  had been exhausting. You'd moved all the way to the city  to pursue your dreams of writing after college,  far from your childhood home in Gary, Indiana. Though you enjoyed the bright lights of the city, you secretly craved the comforts of your hometown, especially the people. Well, one person specifically. Your best friend, Michael. Michael Jackson, to be more specific.

Nobody had expected him to rise to the top as fast as he did, but you knew from the moment he first opened his mouth to sing that he was going places. Big ones. In elementary school, after  he finished singing a beautiful rendition of 'Climb Every Mountain' from Sound of Music, one of your favorite movies, at a talent show, you'd said to him with tears in your eyes, "Promise not forget me when you're famous, Mikey."

"Never!" He'd chirped, pulling you in for a bear hug

Now, as you stand in front of his front door for the millionth time, you feel almost as if you don't know what you're in for. You do, of course; better than most, but it just isn't the same as before, especially after Off the Wall.

He suddenly didn't seem to have time for you. He still called and visited home occasionally, stopping by your house with a bouquet of flowers. Your favorite flowers. It's been two years since he's done that. When he started working on Thriller, he essentially disappeared from your life. Making matters worse, the last time you'd seen him, you'd been going at it in his living room. And not the way you'd hoped for.

"Y/N, I know it's for a long time, but I promise I'll be back before you know it!" he beamed at you.

You weren't convinced, crossing your arms and narrowing your eyes  at him. He dropped his shoulders and rooted his hands through his hair, frustration clear on his face.

"I mean, what else do you want me to say, Y/N!? My career is taking off, I have to go with it!" he stressed, pointing to himself.

Your eyes began to burn, filling up with tears. "I know," you whispered. Michael still hadn't calmed down.

"Okay, so why do you insist on making this so difficult for me!?"

"I don't want you to forget about me, Michael! I don't want you to leave!"


"Because I love you, Michael!" your cheeks burned as a fierce blush spread across your face, and you looked at the ground, completely missing the smile growing on Michael's face.

"As a friend, I mean," you corrected yourself, coughing awkwardly. His face fell again, his previous disgruntled expression returning to his face.

He sighed and sat down on the couch. "I need you to go, Y/N," he said quietly.

You stepped back from the couch, your eyes wide with surprise and starting to brim with hot tears. "What?" you choked out.

"Go home, Y/N," he repeated, not looking up from the floor.

Your chest tightened and you felt like the air had been knocked out of your lungs. "Mikey, please-"

"Just go!" he yelled, his voice breaking as he pointed angrily at the hallway leading to the front door.

Without a word, you gathered your things and walked towards the hallway, stopping for a moment and turning back to him. "You're gonna forget about me, Mike. You promised you wouldn't."

It was a few seconds before he gave a reply. "Maybe I should," he mumbled under his breath, thinking you wouldn't hear.

"Fuck you, Michael," you wavered, feeling your heart break  in your chest as tears began to roll down your face.

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