Chapter 1

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"Dad give me a break."

"No can do sugar puff."

"Dad not that name." He pinch my cheeks with a huge grin.

I love my dad but sometimes he's just too much for my mental health.

I lean up my surf board by the glass doors and turn to dad.

"I have to go and check out my school so I don't get lost tomorrow. Don't prick your finger again."

"I didn't prick my finger." He pout and sigh. "Ok I won't. Even though it wasn't a prick. More like a graze."

"Whatever you say dad." I kiss his cheek and grab the keys. "Don't die."

I left the house and take a deep breath of air. How I miss Malibu.

I drive as slow as possible to take in the view. New school, new friends and possible new enemies.

Yeah definitely new enemies. I'm a girl who likes to have fun so I'm planning on doing alot of surfing in my free time.

As the seventh champion in a row I have to keep my streak even though there probably won't be any competition here.

The school came into view and I'm glad there's no uniform involved because I don't think I can take wearing the same thing everyday.

I park in a parking lot and look at everyone wandering around. Today was Monday. I should have started today but we arrived late. My timetable came through the mail so that's one thing out of the way.

School here was so different from back home. Despite the change of temperature some girls are in little to no clothes. They are brave.

My sneakers squeak as I enter through the main door. It seems to be lunchtime. Even their lunchtime seem to be different. I really need to memorize my time table to avoid future problems.

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