Agent Caster

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Hey guys, I have a major original character in this chapter. This chacter is based on one of my closest friends. I told her I would include her in my story and make her important and badass. This is for you, Bryanna.

Here is my new chapter of Impossible by yours truly.

Enjoy :)

"Hello?" The high pitched voice of an older woman came onto the line when the phone stopped ringing.

"Hello, my name is Brittany S. Peirce. I was told to call you for more information on the research that was being done for dopamine and steroid injections for uses to cure cancer. I was wondering if I could talk to your head physician. This is quite urgent." I said as I gnawed on my finger nails in anticipation. I looked down at Santana, who was still trying to make sense of everything. Before the woman said anything else, I heard rustling before another voice came on the line. This one was more raspy and low pitch, but definitely a woman.

"Who referred you to us?" She sounded more demanding and forceful than the first woman. I looked over to Rachel and pulled the phone away from my ear.

"What was the kid's name, Rach?" Rachel took a moment to think before answering.

"Ben. Ben Anderson of the developing department." I repeated Rachel's words and the woman sounded relieved.

"Okay, why are you calling?" I took no time to think about my answer before I spoke.

"I was injected with your chemical while I was on my way to work this morning." I could hear her breathing become ragged and heavy as I spoke.

"Okay, and do you have any of the following diseases; Cancer, Diabetes, Muscular Distrophe, or any type of STI or STD?"

"No, I don't have any of those diseases, Ma'am." She was starting to freak me out.

"Are you one hundred percent sure?"

"Yes..." She didn't say anything for a second, until I heard her whisper to herself.

"Shit." Her whisper converted to a normal voice "Okay, how close are you to 'Romey's Funeral home' on sixth street?"

"I am about two blocks from there, why?" I could hear more shuffling and some faint yelling in the background.

"I need you to get there as fast as you can. I can't express to you how urgent it is that you get here now." I started to breath heavily as well and I couldn't comprehend what could have been going on.

"Okay. I'll be there in Five minutes." Without waiting for a response, I hung up and pocketed my cellphone. "Come on, we need to go, now." I stood up and pulled Santana towards the door and walked towards the front entrance of the studio.

"Where are you going?" Rachel looked just as scared as I was. She followed us out the door. We had figured out that as long as we kept skin contact, I should be able to stay pain free.

"The woman on the phone needs me to go to the Funeral Home down the street as soon as I can. She said it was urgent."

When we got to the funeral home, there was only one person in the shop. She was a short older woman with red hair and big eyes.

"Hello ladies, I am Emma. What brings you to Romey's Funeral Home?" I immediately recognized her as the first woman I spoke on the phone with.

"Hello Emma, I'm Brittany, we spoke on the phone about five minutes ago. I was told to come here immediately." Her eyes got commically bigger and she immediatley stood and grabbed my arm gently, pulling and Santana behind her desk. "Uh, I'm sorry, but I really would like to know what's going on."

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