Good Sources

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"Um, I guess that I, uhh. I guess I just-" I was cut off by the sound of the door downstairs being slammed open I- stood up, happy to be out of my predicament, and walked to the door.

"Brittany, were are you going?" She stood up and walked after me. halfway down are fast walk down the stairs, we were met the a lethargic and out of breath Rachel.

"Oh.... Brittany.... good... you're here." She said in between breaths before looking to Santana and flashing her a show stopper smile. "I found out more about the-" I cut her off by placing a hand over her mouth and looking at a confused looking Santana. I eyed Rachel in a way that told her to be careful with her words. Rachel moved her head so my hand was no longer covering her mouth. "Good morning, Santana. If you don't mind, I need to steal Brittany for a second." She stated, placing her hand on my bicep as she looked up at Santana's tall figure. Santana just sighed and rolled her eyes.

"What ever Berry. I needed a break anyway. Make it fast though." She turned around to walk up the stairs. When I heard the door close, I pulled Rachel to a room so we can talk privately.

"Alright, What did the kid tell you?" I said as I took a seat on a table.

"No, I can't BELIEVE that you came here without getting your stomach checked out!" She said, confusing me as she lifted my shirt to look at my abdomen. She stumbled back into the far corner of the room, hitting the wall as she let out a very loud, very dramatic gasp. "Were did it go?!"I tilted my head in confusion. She was starting to scare me. I lifted my shirt and looked at my abdomen, only to be met with the pale skin that has always been there. I looked up at Rachel who still looked terrified.

"What? All I see is my stomach." I said stupidly. Rachel shook her head and walked up to me, repeating her actions, only this time, running her hand on my abs. "Look Rachel, You're really nice, but I thought for sure that you and Quinn had an unspoken love that you chose to deny." Rachel scoffed and rolled her eyes before stepping back once more.

"I assure you Brittany, I am not at all interested in fondling you for anything short of concern for your well being. And what is going on between Quinn and I is none of your business." I grinned at her defensiveness. I was still confused as to why she was so interested in my stomach.

"Okay, I'm really confused, why are you so fascinated by my abs. You see me in sports bras every day during class." Rachel was still looking over me, as if looking for something. She shook her head before responding.

"You don't remember?" I was even more confused. I know she loved dramatics, but this was too much. She saw my confusion and proceeded. "You were cut by one of the gang members." She stepped forward and lifted my shirt once again, but dragged her finger across my abdomen, sending a sharp pain through core of my stomach. "Right here. From one side to the other. I saw the blood myself. It was on your shirt, the floor, and all over the blade. You lost a lot of blood." She was speaking painfully slowly as she continued to run her fingertips across my ribcage. I could feel my adrenaline pumping once again as my breathing started to become heavy and ragged. I was freaking out by now. I needed to know what else she saw. More so

than I needed to know what the boy said.

"What else did you see Rachel?" Rachel was still tracing her fingers along the bone of my rib cage, never tearing her gaze from my stomach as she spoke, lowly and slowly.

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