Chapter 6

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Sofia's POV*

I was keep smiling at my phone but then I closed it and put it on the dressing table next to my bed. I was just sitting there staring blanky at the wall of my room, thinking about him. I didn't know him very well but i wanted to know him better.

My thoughts were interrupted by my mum's voice from downstairs: ' Honey! Come here!!', she said. 'I'm coming!! ' i answered. I went downstairs at the living room and I saw my mum sitting on the couch.

-What do you want? I said.

-Come here, she said to me and hit her hand to the sit of the couch next to her. I think it's time to found you your new school.She said.

-Yeah i think it's time too. I said

We were just sitting there for hours searching on the internet for schools here at Stockholm. After all these research we finally found a school. It wasn't just a simple school. It was a School of Arts and that means that they have dancing, singing and all that stuff. I think it's the best school for me because i can dance there. They teach all the kinds of dance but you can choose whatever you want to.

-This one is perfect, and they have dancing lessons every day so you will practise your dance there. My mum told me.

- I agree. It seems really nice tho. And look at all these dance rooms, they are so cool!. I told her.

-So, we decided. You will go to this school. And it's not and that far from our home. She said. I'm going to give them a call and tell them about you. She said and walked into the kitchen.I was just waiting there and after some minutes my mum came in and told me : So, i talked with the principal. You will go there at Monday. ( Today it's Friday so I have the whole weekend to got some rest).

-Okay. I said...Mum i'm hungry... I told to her after a moment of silence.

-I haven't make something to eat. Maybe we should go outside to at a restaurant. She answered.

-Yep, just wait to go and get my jacket. I said and went at my room, grab my jacket, went downstairs, got out of the door and got into my mums car. We stop at really nice and cozy restaurant and order something to eat. The whole time we were talking about a lot of things but mostly about our new life.

We finished our meal and got back at the house. But it was a really funny ride, when we were turning back home, because my mum acts a little crazy when she is driving and she always makes me laugh with what she is saying and doing. We got back and i went at my room. It was 6 o' clock in the afternoon and the sky has already become a little dark.

I got out at my balcony to see the view and the first thing I saw was Felix with his squad. And i also saw and the other 3 guys that had pushed him away from me the first time we met. They were all actually really hot. As I was staring at them talking to each other ,out of Felix's house, suddenly Felix looked up to my balcony but I got back inside really quickly so he didn't see me. Thank god he didn't see me because i would be really embarrased.

I closed my balcony door and got back inside. I wore something more comfortable. I was actually kinda not wearing clothes :p, only my black tight reaaallyy short shorts, that was like an underwear and a tight strap dark blue t-shirt. You know, they were really comfortable for me.

I put on some music on my radio, my favourite shawn mendes album actually, and i started to tidy my things, like books, cd's and that stuff. It was a big mess in there.

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