Chapter 1

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Sofia's POV*

Heyyy, so i'm sofia... I finished my school for today and i just have to walk home for 15-20 minutes, like I do everyday because my mom is working and no one can come and pick me up (bc my parents are divorced and my father lives in another city).

After i walked all this distance i finally arrived home and i was walking through the hallway of my house, but then i saw my mum sitting on the couch and crying , with her hands covering up her face, like she was desperate . I sat next to her, hugged her and asked her what had happened. She told me :" Today my boss from my job fired me and he also fired and some other people that were working there because he didn't need all these people... so now i don't have a job and i don't know what to do'. I tried to comfort her and tell her that everything is gonna be fine and we will find a solution together. She told me to go upstairs at my room and she will figure out what to do.

I went upstairs, opened the door of my room, throw my bag at my chair, put off my jeans and shirt and wear my cozy polka dots, pink pijamas :p. I was checking out twitter and after a long time my mom knocked the door and asked to come in. She came and sat next to me at my bed and told me :'Sofia we have to talk about something", was her first sentence and i actually got a little bit scared for what about she was going to talk to me."You know that i don't have a job anymore and we won't have any money left at some day so i think that we should move at another country, where they have more jobs and there are more opportunities for us'. I frozed at her words and i just didn't know what to say, i was shocked. I didn't wanna go away from here. Here is my life, my friends, my dance school and everything.

-" Mum i don't want to move to another country here is everything, here is my life'.

-" I know sweetheart but we have to'

-"And where you are thinking we should move out? '

-"Well, your grandpa, before he dies, he left us as a legacy ,a big and beautiful house in Sweden that he had build his own, so i was thinking that we should move there'

-"WHAAAT? SWEDEN? i don't like Sweden it's really cold there....'i shouted at her.

-"Yeah but sweetheart it's the only place we can go.. and also there are really cute boys there, don't forget about that!' she winked at me.

-'Fiiineee.I don't have another choise anyway, so i just have to agree with you.."i said.

-"That's my girl!' she told me and hugged me."You will see it, it will be fine, you are gonna make new friends and maybe meet and hot tall,blond, green eyed boys!' She winked at me and smile, and then i smiled at her too.

She was walking to get out of my room but she suddenly turn back and told me: " Btw we are leaving tomorrow, so start to pack your things."

I nodded at her and she went out of my room.I went at my dance school, and after 2 hours of dance i came back home, did my stuff until it was midnight and i just layed at my bed...I just wanted to sleep, it was a rough day and i didn't want to do something else more than sleep and relax.

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