Garden Gnome Party

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I might possibly have fallen asleep briefly in the sunshine with Draco beside me. I felt surprisingly comforted by his aftershave, there was a familiarity in it combined with the serenity of flowers that Dusty had planted and the bonfire smouldering nearby that almost reminded me of the Gryffindor Common Room.

It was with a start that we were disturbed by Ron shouting 'I'VE FOUND HIM!'. Followed by a stunned, 'OH!'

I assumed his surprise was because of the magic that Dusty had been creating with my little secret garden that was hidden away from all the mayhem nearer the house.

Ron and Pansy were levitating another broken bench between them for the bonfire, they were followed by Blaise and Gin, also levitating two rotten garden chairs. Hermione, Luna, holding Teddy's hand, and Lavender Brown just seemed to be following the trail.

I regretted that my peace was disrupted but I stood up to shake Blaise's hand, because I hadn't said hello yet and I gave Gin a big hug.

'You look fabulous,' I said with a grin. 'Your hair really suits you like that. Quite fearsome...'

I could see Blaise narrowing his eyes at me and looking a little protective as he stepped closer to Gin.

'I hope you're not going to start paying Gin interest now that they're taken,' he said with a scowl.

Gin burst out laughing, 'you really don't need to get jealous of Harry, Blaise. Harry's—'

I nudged Gin and stopped them with a small shake of my head and a warning in my eyes.

Gin nodded in return, realising I was signalling that I didn't want everyone to know. I wasn't ready for the fuss that coming out was going to entail, particularly because this was me.

'Everyone needs to be jealous of the Chosen One,' Blaise said a little grumpily.

'Not at all, and especially not over this. Believe me, Blaise,' I said carefully.

I was aware, more than anything, that Draco and Pansy were watching the exchange carefully and Lavender was listening in, though her head was bowed. And as Teddy was angling to be picked up again, I scooped him up onto my hip, aware he was looking a bit tired and probably as overwhelmed as I was by everything that was going on. He clutched a toy digger in one hand and immediately stuck him thumb in his mouth and rested his head on my shoulder and I was reminded of Faye at the St Eulalia Orphanage.

I smiled at Blaise, truly meaning it, 'I'm glad you're both happy. I'm happy for Gin, they look bloody well on life, and that's the most important thing here.'

'Yes,' he nodded, grateful. 'Thank you. It's a bit awkward. You know, coming here and...'

'It doesn't need to be, honestly. Thanks for coming, for feeling like you could.'

'I think it's a thing with our family,' said Gin cheerfully. 'If one of the family needs help with something, everyone else is dragged into it too. Partners too. And Harry's family, no matter what.'

'I told you, Pansy. Three visits and you're adopted in... I can't escape, even after running away for three years they don't get the hint,' I smiled at the raven-haired girl and she grinned back.

'I swear my mother loves Harry more than me,' muttered Ron.

'He's the true prodigal son...' Pansy teased.

'Blaise,' I turned back to the tall man, 'fix it in your head that Gin and I are more like siblings and that's the real state of things. That makes the thought of us going out together plain weird and really, that was one of the major reasons why it was never going to work between us in the first place. Honestly, Blaise, you don't need to worry.'

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