A Job Offer for Percy

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'I've briefed Percy,' Draco said.

We all made our way back to the bonfire and the three of us sat in a row on the bench, watching Dusty prod it and poke it and generally keep the flames burning as he added more rubbish and broken furniture to burn. Any garden waste that he felt wasn't suitable was separated and taken to a compost area he'd set up at the back of the garden through a gate in the wall. Unfortunately, the back area wasn't big enough for the bonfire but it had a recently-fixed Victorian greenhouse and the composting and some raised vegetable beds that Dusty had already cleared and filled.

'So, what d'ya think about the job, Percy?' I asked.

Percy was smiling, a look I wasn't used to seeing on his austere face and I thought it really suited him. Though he still sat rather stiffly on the bench with Alba on his knee as he fussed her. 'I think I might be handing my notice in at the Ministry so long you can actually afford to pay me and we can agree on a wage.'

Draco and I had Owled a number of times over the last few days regarding this one because it wasn't a negotiation we couldn't go into cold. We had no idea what the Ministry of Magic was paying Percy and we needed to entice him away. I had calculated what I could afford to loan the company and was happy for a five-year repayment plan after the first year of trading. It wasn't as if I was strapped for cash with both the Potter and Black vaults to my name and a house in London gifted to me. It just depended on Percy.

'So, if Draco wants you...'

Draco nodded. 'Yes, the resumé is impressive and Percy gets the vision. He's already suggested some ideas. And I trust Harry's recommendation that you'd be someone suitable to join me in all this.'

'Thank you,' Percy said but he looked apprehensive, like he really wanted this but wasn't sure we could match his requirements.

'Okay.' I took a deep breath. 'We researched that the going rate for this type of role at the various charities and companies that we've looked at is averaging 6,200 Galleons a year...' I held up my hand to stop Percy speaking. '...Obviously, Draco's not started trading and can't calculate predicted working capital, costs, profits, margins and what have you to divide between your two salaries, the charities, and ploughing money straight back into the next championship. The honest situation is, we can't afford to pay you that. Not yet. I've agreed to loan the company 450 Galleons a month for your first five months' wages until just after the tournament. If you can seriously help make this a profitable success and set it up so we can continue to pay you that, we can also consider a raise as from December and a bonus to top up the difference to 6,000 Galleons per annum—'

'Yes,' said Percy.

'Pardon?' said Draco.

'Yes. I'll take it. As soon as you put it in writing, I'll hand my notice into the Ministry. Today if possible, if you're serous. I have to give a month's notice but I've two weeks of holiday to take so I can potentially start sooner, if you want. 1st August... And I don't mind having a look at some of the figures straight away.'

'No negotiations? I mean, it's alright? Even though we'll be paying you below the odds until the company's on its feet—'

'A. It's Quidditch, Harry. You know how our family is about Quidditch. Even boring old me. But it's better than that, it's helping, doing something worthwhile. I can't describe how great that is. It's a dream job as far as I'm concerned. And B. Do you know how much the Ministry for Magic is paying me to sit in a cupboard and write out memos to some Head of Department or another about cost savings on standardising envelopes? 4400 Galleons a year—'

'That's a bloody insult—'

'I know, and I'm supposed to be grateful, yet I know I'm worth more, not necessarily in money but in what I can do. I got five O's in my N.E.W.T.s, including Arithmancy, and I've since passed my Association of Arithmancy Technicians Level 3 Accounting with 98% and my Level 3 Bookkeeping with 100%. I can provide you with my certificates. I want to do my AAT Level 4s, so that's all I ask. And yes, when things are a success, because we will make this a success, then we'll revisit. But I want in, from the start. And I'm happy to start on your offer. I mean, it's already 1000 Galleons a year more than the Ministry are paying me.'

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