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Logan was awoken with a soft gasp, staring up at the dirty ceiling. He winces, as if he had just woken up from a long nightmare. He looked down at his body, and notices that he's not wearing any clothes. He stands up and walked towards the mirror, head turning towards the bed where he saw a woman laying in a bed. Where he was laying just a few seconds ago.

He stumbled to the dresser and grabbed a bottle of booze, tilting his head back as he took drink. He finds his way to the window, opening the curtain and winces in the sunlight, and sees he was at New York City. He can see cars, clothes and signs from 1973.

"It worked." Logan muttered, looking out the window with a small smile. "Holy shit it–" He was cut off by the door crashing open. He turns around to see three mafia hoods barge into the room, waking the girl in bed.

The three men looked at her. "Put some clothes on." One of the men said to her, holding a gun on his hand.

"Look, I don't know what's going on here, but–" Logan was cut off from talking again making him annoyed slightly.

"What's going on is you slept with the bosses daughter when you were supposed to be her bodyguard." A man said, still pointing a gun at Logan.

Logan shakes his head, missing Jesse more than ever now. "I didn't sleep with her." He grunted out, hands by his sides as he looked at the men.


"No. I mean yes I slept with her, but that wasn't me, that was the old me, I just got here ten seconds ago." Logan said.

"Really? Then what happened to your pants?"

Logan looked down, indeed he is not wearing any pants. He considers. No easy explanation. "Would you believe me if I told you I was sent here from the future...?" He said, watching the men face darken, telling him the answer.

One of the men turns to the girl. "Get out of here, sweetheart. We're gonna take care of this comedian."

Logan shakes his head, unamused expression on his face. "No you're not. You're going to give me the keys to your car and some money for gas, or you're going to wake up in the hospital." He said, readying himself to fight the three men. "Trust me, I know how this plays out."

"Because you're from the future?"

"No. Because of this." Logan said, clenching his fists, expecting to see his metal claws to comes out of his hands, but instead six bone claws comes out instead. He looked at them for a seconds, a little surprised. But not as surprised as the thugs.

"What the hell–"

Terrified, the men open fire. The girl screams, scrambling out of the room. A couple shots hit Logan, but it barely slow him down as his wounds healed right in front of their eyes, who's eyes widened at the sight of Logan's healing gunshot wounds. Logan knocks the thugs back, finishing them off. The last one falls, he fired one last time as Logan dodges the shot and slices the guy's pocket, so his keys come flying out, and Logan catches them in the air with his claw.

He has the keys dangling around a claw. His claws slowly retreat back into his knuckles, the keys slide into his hand, and he looks at them. A furry rabbit's foot at the end, making him looked at it weirdly.

• • •

Logan walked out of the building, wearing a thug's leather jacket. He looked around the street and sees people dressed in period clothes. A phone booth. The tips of the Twin Tower in the distance. And he sees a big Cadillac parked across the street, dice dangling from the mirror, the license plate reads Lucky. Logan shakes his head, knowing that this is his ride.

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