Chapter Six

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Rickon glared at Otto, a gaze that sent shivers down the man's spine. Rickon left to follow Rhaenyra, while Laena, reveling in the drama, chose to stay, planning to report everything to Rhaenyra.

Aelora gazed in the direction Rhaenyra had run, torn between chasing after her and succumbing to her curiosity about what would unfold.

"What is the meaning of this!?" Viserys yelled at Otto. Alicent flinched, and Laena restrained herself from grinning – she had always despised Otto Hightower. "Do you dare to sow discord among my children by pressuring your daughter to support Aegon as the King?" Viserys raged, his anger palpable.

"Your grace, you must understand—" Otto began.

"No! I will not tolerate a viper within my castle!" Viserys thundered. Daemon, enjoying the drama, leaned against the wall, while Laena turned to him. "I have tolerated you, Otto, but this is treason!" Viserys declared, grabbing the pin from Otto's clothes and throwing it away. "You dare to humiliate my daughter in front of the Queen!" he accused.

Aelora noticed a dragon sigil on the ground and picked it up, recognizing its significance.

Alicent, unsure of what to do, witnessed Rhaenyra's betrayal once again. She could see the shattered look in her friend's eyes. Daemon and Laena exchanged a secret smirk.

Aelora remained silent.

"Daemon! Banish this man from King's Landing. He shall never set foot in my castle again!" Viserys ordered, and Daemon willingly complied.

"Your Grace... Alicent!" Otto called out to his daughter, but Alicent looked away, unable to intervene as she replayed Rhaenyra's broken eyes in her mind.

Aelora concealed her smirk, but Daemon, ever nosy, caught it.

"The only reason I spare your life is that you are my wife's father. Never return to King's Landing, or your screams will be your last thing you hear," Viserys threatened. Daemon escorted Otto Hightower out, and Laena turned to the King.

Alicent sobbed on the side. "Husband, forgive me. I couldn't stop my father's treasonous thoughts," she pleaded as Viserys settled back on the couch to regain composure.

Aelora approached the Queen, handing her the sigil attached to the pin. "I gave this to him for being loyal to us. He claimed to want the best for the realm, suggesting I marry Aegon for 'pure blood' heirs, saying it would earn the King's pride. I didn't know he was plotting all this," Aelora explained sadly, prompting Laena's eyes to widen. The revelation shocked even Viserys, while Alicent's lips quivered, realizing her father's manipulations.

"Your Grace, I had no knowledge of this. I-I didn't know what to do," Alicent stammered, and Aelora fought the urge to roll her eyes.

Laena looked worried, but she relished the drama she would share with Rhaenyra. "I understand, Alicent. It's Rhaenyra I'm worried for. She's pregnant and wanted us to tell you together about the good news, and this is what she will hear. Lady Laena, could you please check on my daughter?" Viserys commanded.

Alicent's face grimaced after hearing Rhaenyra excitedly telling her about her pregnancy, only to have it ruined by Otto's words. Laena nodded, leaving the room.

Aelora didn't know whether to stay or leave. "I should go, Your Grace," she said before leaving.

She followed Daemon and Otto, eager to witness the man being dragged away.

Meanwhile, Rhaenyra, in Rickon's arms, sought solace. Tired of the drama, she wasn't truly crying, finding comfort in her husband's embrace. Rickon, trying to console her, urged, "You must calm yourself, Wife. It's not good for you or the babe. I'm sure your father will give the man a proper punishment for his words," in a worried tone. Lysa Stark, having heard what happened, entered the room, witnessing the scene between the couple.

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