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Katniss PoV

The doctors leaves and in walks Gale. He is just as I remember him. 

- Hey Kattna. Gale says.

- Hey Gale, thank you for saving my little duck. I say back, for the first time in forever I relaxed my muscles. 

- I was just doing my deal of our agreement. Protecting your family. I'm sorry about your mother. She didn't want to go infront she wanted to help to many to be able to help herself. Peeta's family didn't make it out aswell. Gale says.

- Good, maybe the mutt can feel the torture I've felt of losing my father and mother. Maybe he'll commit suicide and that will be good for my to-do list. I say. 

- No Katniss, don't think of him that way, you love him... Gale says but I cut him off.

- Yes I love him but he doesn't love me back Gale. He has tried to kill me countless of times. Don't take his side. Don't take the mutt's side!!!! I scream out.

Gale gets escorted out of the room and some doctors walk in to calm me down. They try to do it without syringes but I refused, they take a syringe and is about to stab me. It hurt like it did in the Capitol. I start dreaming but just after a minute I wake up because of the sound of my stomache. I haven't eaten in fifteen days. I haven't said anything to the doctors hoping that I might starve to death before they notice. I'm still strapped down to my bed and I wished I weren't. Cause around me there were so many weapons I could use. Maybe if I don't kill myself in the next day or two they might let me go. If I get my own compartment there might be something I could use to commit suicide. 

After an hour someone walks in, It's Haymitch but also the mutt. The mutt Peeta. 

- Hey Haymitch, hey Mutt. I say.

- Hello sweetheart. Haymitch says.

- You know I never liked that nickname, so stop using it before you become something on my to-do list. I say in anger.

I start to have an internal panic attack I started talking to myself.

- Kill Peeta! No kill yourself, no kill Haymitch, no Peeta, no you, no Haymitch. I yell and it goes in a circle. I can see the look in their eyes, the look off fear and confusion. I keep mumbling the same words all over again. I cover my ears with my hands aswell to block out all other sounds.

- Katniss it's okay were right here with you. Peeta says.

- KILL ME ALREADY. END MY SUFFERING. I DON'T WANT TO FIGHT ANY LONGER. I WANT TO REST!!! I yell at Haymitch and Peeta. I break lose from the restraints using all of my body's strength. I didn't have anymore strength than that so I just collapsed and fell into the floor. I went in a coma I think. I heard everything that went on around me. 

- Katniss? Katniss? DOCTOR, DOCTOR! Peeta yells. Haymitch doesn't say anything.

I hear some people running in and is about to take care of me. I use the very small power I have left to say one single word. "No" Is the word I got out of my body. I can hear Peeta saying the same thing over and over again. I'm in fear everytime I sense his presence. He tried to kill me thousands of times why would he not try again when I'm very vulnerable. I feel myself getting picked up and carried to a new room. I get placed down in a new bed and I fall asleep in my coma. I hope I never wake up again. 

I wake up and Prim is sitting next to me. I relax all off my body knowing that he can't hurt me.

- Hey little duck. I say whilst smiling.

- Hey I got you a tray off food, I just realized you've never eaten for almost seventeen days Katniss, you need to eat you can't last long without food Katniss. She says to me.

- No food is the enemy, food makes me live longer. I don't want to live longer, the only thing I am is a killing mutt made by the Capitol. Peeta is made to kill me, wait why do I hate Peeta if he wants to kill me? I ask myself.

- I don't know Katniss, it's the Capitols venom okay. Prim tells me 

- Can you get Peeta in here for me, if he's even allowed after the last time. I need him to help me. I say to Prim. 

- Okay I can see what I can do for you Katniss. Prim says and leaves the room. 

Once again I'm alone but strapped down. This time I have almost no energy, it takes almost all of my energi to talk. Peeta walks in with some bread in his hand.

- It's cheese bread, I made it in the kitchen when you were in your small coma. Do you want some? He asks me.

- No food makes me live longer, but you tried to kill me thousands of times so can't you do what you always wanted to do to me right now. You might be a mutt trying to kill me but I want to die so we'll both be happy. I say as calmly as possible.

- No Katniss. I have never wanted you dead. Eat this bread, I can see you almost have no energy to even talk. I need you to stay with me. Peeta says.

- So when you want to kill me you try to kill me but when I ask if you can do it you wont do it?! I yell.

- No Katniss stop, you lose more energy by yelling. Peeta tells me

- I'm sorry, I just don't know what the is real and what the Capitol stuffed inside of me. I can't control myself, I'm not the one in control. I'm trapped in the back of my mind. Everytime I get mad the mutt comes forward. They control me as long as their desire. I need to die before I hurt you, before I hurt anyone else. I'm a killer machine designed by the Capitol. I tell him.

- No you can't die, I need you. I love you. I want you to stay with me. He says.

- Peeta, look at me. I love you too but come on. You got to be lying, I'm a mess, I'm just a broken MockingJay. A MockinJay that can't fly because my wings are broken. I'll never be the same, so why try Peeta. Why try. I say back to him.

- Because without you I wont be fullfilled your the half off the puzzle. You're everything I need in one person, you're amazing. Peeta says.

- Peeta, I'm the reason your family is dead. Why are you here with me if I caused you so much pain. Just leave before I cause some more. I say.

He nods and goes outside he leaves the bread and unhooks one of my hands so I could eat it. I think about his words and I take a bite out of the bread. It's as good as I remember it. I eat as much as I can before my stomache is full. It didn't take so long for it to become full since I wasn't used to eating. I went to sleep after I ate some of the bread, I forgot I had the perfect chans to commit suicide at that point.



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