11. Mission

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SOOOO, I took a little tinny weeny break. Sorry about that, I had lots of school going on and then It was summer and I was busy with a few trips and hanging out with friends, but anyway I'm back!!!!

Also, don't be shy I like reading a few comments on parts of my story, be vocal it helps me as a writer to know what you like and don't like!!!


(Three days before she met her family)

"Sofia can you come to my office"

I walk across the club, which looks fairly odd when it's not midnight with LED lights flashing. I walk across the cold room and up the stairs where the VIP lounge, the private dance rooms and all of our offices are. I step into Athena's office.

"Take a seat" She points to the chair in front of her desk.

I give her a confused look when I sit down since I just finished a 'Task' and normally she lets us take a few days off afterwards.

"I need to send you a new task in a few days. We've been contacted by the Russians. They need the Italian Don Romeo Moretti dead. This is a longer job since they also want information before you kill him."

She hands me a file and I take a look. Inside the file, there is every little detail about Romeo Moretti that we know. Along with a list of his friends and known accomplices.

"The Hernandez family is very close to the Moretti's and do lots of business together. Romeo's father can be harmed in the process but he is not the main target. Romeo is very close to Santiago Hernandez, they have been best friends since they were kids."

I keep flicking through all the papers, and photos of all the Hernandez including Isabella Hernandez, the dead mother of all these kids. She looks just like me. Maybe that's why she chose me for the job.

"You will be infiltrating the Hernandez family as Sofia Hernandez their long-lost mafia sister and daughter. You will be getting information from them while also getting close to Romeo. So for recap get as much info as possible and check in with me every few days. Last thing Romeo is to be killed within 6 months. understood?"

I nod my head still reading through the papers.

"Okay good, now last thing that might shock you. I ran a DNA test on you so I could use your results to fake other ones so that you can prove you are their sister. But, after getting your results back there is nothing to fake."

My head swings up to look at her, a dumbfounded expression on my face.

"Wait. What? What does that mean?"

"It means Sofia you are a Hernandez by blood. They are your actual family. I understand if you don't want to do this anymore. You can decide on your own if you are willing to do this or not but know that if you choose to do this there is no backing out. I haven't and will not tell the Russians about your identity even if you decide to take on the task."

I nod and close my eyes to think for a while. They left me, why should I do them a solid? In one of the best in this company. They left me to be abused all my life, I don't owe them anything. I look up at her dead in the eye.

"I'll do it, tell the Russians the angel of death will do it"

She nods and starts to make the call while I walk out.

I am Sofia Hernandez also known as the Angel of Death one of the best assassins in the world. I work for THE EYE a privately owned women's assassin company disguised as a strip club. Men are too stupid to realize we are so much smarter than them they never expect us to be killers.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2023 ⏰

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