5. Nightmares

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It's so quiet, too quiet. Hiding under a bed was never a good idea, but now look at me.

The house is eerily silent, not a single squeak of a door hinge or creak of a floorboard. 

My breath echoes through the walls, as I try desperately to calm my erratic heartbeat. I can feel my pulse through my ears like waves crashing on the beach.

My head is pounding, I reach up to feel where it hurts and hiss. I freeze and listen for noise. 

please tell me he didn't hear.

After a few minutes and still nothing I look down at my hand to find it covered in blood. Is that my blood? Am I going to die?


My head is bleeding and everything hurts, the welts on my back from last night's punishment burns through my clothes. My whole body feels like it's on fire.

Not thinking properly I let out a big sigh.

My heart rate increases so fast, I think I might pass out, but still nothing.

Right when I feel like I'm going to be fine a hand wraps around my ankle.


As I get pulled from under the bed I start screaming. Screaming for someone to help me, anyone. If someone could just hear me and help.

"Did you think you could get away from me you will never get away from me little girl"

"NOOO, stop, please, stop, I'll do anything just stop"

"Too late for that little girl you're going to pay for what you did, you've been a very bad girl"

I can't physically breathe from how much screaming and crying I'm doing. 

"No one is coming to help you, no one wants to help a useless fucking slut like you and no one ever will"

"No stop please stop"

He drags me by my ankle through the house, and down the stairs my head hitting every step on the way down.

I scream, thrash and kick my legs in every direction for him to let go but he never does.

"If you keep fucking kicking me your punishment will be so much worse bitch so if I were you I'd SHUT THE FUCK UP and stop moving"

"No, please stop"

I repeat the same three words over and over again, wishing for them to come true.

"James Im begging you to stop"

Tears pour out of my eyes as I keep screaming wishing for this to just be a bad nightmare, but no this is my reality. Im going to have to deal with this for the rest of my life.

James picks me up by my hair with his dirty grimy hands and pushes me onto the couch. He starts to tie my hands together and strap my body down to the couch. I try to struggle and push him off but I can't he's too big.

"Now be a good girl for me"

"No stop, stop, stop"

As I repeat the words and wish them to come true I feel a hand shake my shoulder.

Wait this isn't how it goes

I slowly open my eyes to find every single one of my brothers and father around my bed staring at me with deep concern.

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