2. Family?

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Sofia's POV:

I slowly peel my eyes open and look around the room, but everything is dark.

How long have I been out?

I try to lift myself but fail and fall straight back onto my face, I groan as I turn my head. The clock says it's 3:40 am, groaning I use all of my energy to stand. I slowly walk to the bathroom and flip the switch, the bright light causes me to squint. When my eyes adjust I look at myself in the mirror.

Dry blood stains on my clothing and my face, and a huge cut runs through my cheek. That'll need stitches. As I lift my sweatshirt off of my body I find big yellow and purple bruises around my stomach and back.

I look up and stare at my face in the mirror, my eyes are dull with dark circles and big eye bags surrounding them.

I walk back into my room and open my work bag to find Leo snoring. He looks so small and innocent sleeping there. Right, when I pick him up there's a loud knock at the front door.

I discreetly walk over to my small window that looks over the front yard. There's a police car waiting on my lawn. I start to panic.

Oh no, what if I get in trouble father is going to kill me!

I start hyperventilating as I quickly pack a bag. I run down the stairs with Leo in my arms. The police keep banging on the front door.

Sneak out of the back

I don't take my shoes and run out the back door, I'm only a few steps out when an arm snakes around my waist.

"Oh no, you're not going anywhere" the man whispers in my ear. shivers roll down my spine as he starts to walk around the house.

He puts me down in front of three officers. I recognize all of them since I have been caught by them before. Officer Bradshaw sighs and then what comes out of his mouth leaves me frozen.

"Umm, Unfortunately, I regret to inform you that your parents, John Peirce and Cathy Peirce were in a fatal car crash and are both no longer alive"

I stay frozen and just stare at them.

Then I start laughing, laughing hysterically while the officers watch me with bewildered expressions. My laughter dies down slowly as reality creeps in. I stare at the ground silently until officer Bradshaw grabs my arm and drags me to the car.

They're dead.

The ride to the station was short. Once we got there I sat in the waiting room with Leo for hours. Waiting on when we could leave.

Where were we going to go? I have no money and no place to stay. Leo depends on me to feed and care for him.

What am I going to do?

Hours go by with us just sitting in the small space. Leo finally wakes up at 8:30 hungry for food I don't have. As I get up to go ask an officer for food, officer Bradshaw and a woman I don't recognize walk into the room.

"Please sit down ms. Peirce"

"What? Why?"

"sit down Ms. Peirce, I have some news and it would be better if you were sitting"

I reluctantly sit back down. The lady bends down to my level.

"Ms. Peirce my name is Irene I'm your social worker, this may come as a shock but John and Cathy Peirce were not your biological parents, your biological parents' names are Silvio and Valentina Hernandez, unfortunately, your biological mother died in a car crash 5 years ago. You also have brothers, and they all live in Barcelona. Your father and brother are on their way to pick you up as we speak."

Im speechless. Parents? Brothers? Spain? What the actual fuck is going on? I pinch myself to see if I'm dreaming but I'm not. I don't want to go live with someone else, what if they hurt me too? What if they take Leo away?

"What about Leo?"

"oh sweetheart, Leo will be put into foster care and will hopefully be adopted by a nice family. His parents died right after he was taken. I'm sure he'll be taken care of, no need to worr-"

"No, I'm not going anywhere without him. He comes with me"

"I'm sorry but it doesn't work like that"

"I don't care I'm not stepping foot anywhere without him"

Sighing she leaves the room to talk to this big man in a suit. They both keep looking over at us. Finally, the man nods at her looking over at us one last time before walking away while making a call.

Iris or whatever her name is walks back in and over to me.

"I'm going to try and do everything I can but there is no guarantee that Leo will be able to come with you."

Without a word, I turn and stare out the window that overlooks the parking lot.

I could escape when she leaves, the bus comes every 7 minutes and it will take me 5 minutes to leave the building without alerting anyone, then another 1.5 minutes to walk over to the stop giving me 30 seconds to lift a bus pass off of whoever is waiting for the bus.

I look back at the door and find Officer Bradshaw staring at me through the window. As I look back at the parking lot something catches my eye. An Aston Martin Victor with windows so tinted its black speeds into the lot and parks in the handicapped spot.

What an asshole

Two big men in expensive-looking suits walk out, slamming their doors shut they rush into the station.

What is wrong with them?

I continue staring out at the car, it's so beautiful you never see these kinds of cars around here.

There's a knock on the door and I immediately look up. The social worker walks in, stopping in front of me.

"Good news, we talked to your father has agreed to let Leo stay with you, but it might not be permanent so don't get too excited"

A big smile takes over my face as I look down at Leo who had already fallen asleep. A cough makes me look up to find the two big men in fancy suits staring at me.

"Sofia here is your family"

"Hola cariña"


Okay so side note, I do not speak Spanish and this is all from google translate so if any of the Spanish is wrong feel free then let me know and I will fix it.

Thank you again for reading!

see you next chapter.

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