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I wake up
Brush my teeth
I sit down
My eyes go out of focus
It's been 6 hours
I don't remember anything
I can't tell if it's me that feels disconnected
Or if everything is disconnected from me
Like I'm floating
My brains like static on a old box TV
This feeling used to give me panic attacks
I don't realize it's happening
till it's already happened
How can I explain this feeling
if I can't even remember it
I thought this feeling only came around when I was sad
I'm not sad
Why am I still feeling this way
Everyday the same
I'm starting at a reflection
Maybe if I peel my skin back I'd feel more like me
The reflection in the mirror wouldn't look like a stranger

Brain VomitNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ