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— prologue

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— prologue

nulla. EVERYONE THAT HAS had the (not so) fortunate pleasure of meeting Judas has always said that his name describes someone like him perfectly. it's laughable really. i mean, what type of shitty fucking parent names their kid Judas Martinus LaRue? it's like they knew he was to be one huge disappointment or something so they decided to punish him by giving him the whole fucking declaration of independence as his legal name.

   Judas, meaning "traitor. especially : one who betrays under the the guise of friendship." or that's what the trashy website that he read it off of said anyway. well, so far, he hasn't betrayed anyone (that he's aware of). but apparently, if it did ever happen some day, no one at camp half-blood would even be surprised. i mean, can you blame them? judas has made it very verbally known that he rather stab both his eyes out with a fork than to ever worship and help out any of the gods. so really, they can't help but to think that he'd be easily convinced to stab them all in the back just to see the gods fall down.

   Martinus, meaning "dedicated to mars" or "son of mars" or "warlike" (which by the way, this does not mean that he wants to start a war. he would be eager to fight in one sure, but who wouldn't?). and who is mars you ask? the roman equivalent of ares, who just so happens to be his dad. great oh powerful ares, god of war (and manliness, which judas is very filled with thank you very much), the very own spirit of battle. aka, his very own sperm donor. woo fucking hoo. (and can he mention that Martinus is such a god awful name? whoever named him despised him because not even he would curse a baby with that.)

  okay, LaRue isn't technically the actual surname he was born with because surprise surprise, he's adopted (yay)! but seriously, he was left at the front of an orphanage with nothing but a silver necklace with a tiny black stone around his neck and a piece of paper with the name of Judas Martinus. bleh. i mean c'mon, not even a blanket for the cold or a basket for him to lay on? whoever left him there (presumably his mother) could not have cared less what happened to him. and that really pisses him off. but that wasn't the problem no, it was the fact that in every orphanage that he was thrown into, there was always someone (which he later realized were fucking monsters and not just random nuns with too many screws loose) who wanted to kill him. and because of that, he always ran away in the middle of the night. this, to be honest, was an even worse idea because he encountered a lot more monsters than anticipated (at least he got his anger out on them). he always ended up sleeping on the side of the road for a couple of days until the orphanage eventually finds him eating pizza (that he definitely did not knock someone out for at the ripe age of 10). this all changed about a year later. by some goddamn miracle, a nice and warm married couple decided that they wanted to adopt him (him). paperwork was filled out, home inspections were made, payment was given and yada yada yada. suddenly, he wasn't just Judas Martinus anymore, he was Judas Martinus LaRue.

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