1. Sophisticated

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The Vintage Coffee was one of the largest cafés in Synverta and had been Nozomi's favorite coffee shop to go to. With those minimalist-style interior designs and antique paintings hanging on the walls, anyone would feel like they were sent back to the old-world era. There was even a billboard beside the entrance with those large fonts that said "It All Starts with a Note".

Staring at the billboard, Nozomi grabbed her cup of tea and took a sip. She had been curious about the concept of this new bistro feature where everyone could write something and plaster it on the board. There were already notes on it.

"Hmm." The purple-haired looked over the counter where she could see a woman in her white, polo shirt topped with a black formal vest; she also wore black slacks and shoes. The woman had orange hair that reached her shoulders and was styled into three small braids on her left side and had a three-leaf clover hair pin on the right side. Her pink irises focused on the cup that she was cleaning with a cloth.

"Chika-chan." Nozomi called out to her and the barista lifted her face to look at her.

"Hm? What is it, Nozomi-chan?"

"That billboard over there... is it for the upcoming Valentine's?"

"Ah! Yep! Although, Jesi-chan wanted it as a permanent feature of the shop so it'll stay there even after Valentine's! She said that putting something down on a note could give someone else an opportunity to answer it! Isn't that wonderful, to be able to communicate with people through written efforts?"

"Couldn't agree more." Nozomi giggled; ah, so it was Jesi's idea. How she wished someone would talk to her like that, too. She could try writing something but she could never really expect anyone answering it.

After all, she was an oddball. She tended to weird people out and it was a major turn off according to some ladies back in the past.

"I know! Why don't you try it? Someone's bound to respond!" Chika suggested and Nozomi laughed.

"You really think a woman like me would have someone who'd show interest in them?"

"For sure! I mean, you're pretty and you're matured! I'm sure someone will find you interesting!"

"I doubt. I'm a weird photographer, you know. People find me creepy even."

"That's not true at all! You're pretty, I swear! You have a unique personality!" Chika retorted.

Nozomi smiled; Chika was one of the few people who knew her well and had accepted her for who she was, along with Jesi.

Then, the café's door rang and the two snapped their heads at the newcomer.

"Ah, welcome to Vintage Coffee!" Chika greeted.

It was a woman with long, red hair and blue eyes and she bowed politely to both Chika and Nozomi before sitting across the purple-haired. Nozomi then leaned in and settled her elbows on the table.

Love for Two (NozoEli) (Futanari)Where stories live. Discover now