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(Disaster twin comfort (: we could all use something nice. It's not as detailed or well written as the first two but enjoy)

Leonardo never slept much. Night after night, it was almost ritualistic. Normally he'd doomscroll social media until finally passing out. But on occasion, Leo would pester his brother. Sharing a cup of coffee with the softshell, who he knew stayed up until physically impossible. Leonardo padded out of his train car bedroom, he lacked any gear and his mask sat on his nightstand. It was probably around 2am, as Leo slowly made his way into the large common room of the lair. It was massive, separated by a large arching doorway. From their homemade skatepark to their 'living room' of sorts which then connected to the kitchen. The lights were off, all but the couple of blinking bulbs from Donatello's many security measures. His eyes had quickly adjusted to the darkness, walking quietly through the living room and into the adjacent kitchen. Leonardo dragged each movement out with a slow grogginess. His eyes lidded with sleep, as his fingers fumbled clumsily with the coffee filters. Lightly placing the paper cup into the top of the machine. He blinked slowly as he poured just the right amount of grounds into the cup, eyeballing the measurements. Following the next steps which included pouring water into the back of the pot, before turning it on. Leo released a light sigh, chest sinking down as the air rushed out of his nose. He was tired, exhausted even. But Leo had never been able to sleep well. As a kid it was somewhat mild, always too hyperactive to shut down. After the shredder, Leo began to have nightmares. And only just as he learned to cope with them, the kraang. His skin crawled as he remembered the aliens that nearly destroyed his world all for his ignorance. After Leo was off all of his heavy pain medication, it seemed his mind forgot how to turn off. And when it did he was riddled with constant terrors of what if's. They hadn't been doing much fighting since the kraang was defeated. Crime had somewhat slowed, the city was still trying to clean itself up. Months later, and they were still recovering bodies from the rubble. Leo himself had recently gotten off of bedrest. It'd been hell laying in the med bay when he couldn't even close his eyes for five minutes. He didn't want to remember how much trouble he'd gotten into from his little event, but he knew he'd do it all over again if arises. Leo stood at the counter silently watching the coffee drip into the glass pot. They four of the brothers had been healing well, at least physically. Leo hated watching how different they'd all become. It hurt everytime he saw a tinge of anxiety within his family's expressions. Every reminder of the war was as if they relived every memory in seconds. Leo was mainly worried about Donnie, he'd returned to his usual routine of visiting every now and then in the early mornings. Donnie always seemed off, more so than he usually was. It encouraged more frequent visits. Sometimes, when Leo could no longer bear his lack of sleep he'd crawl into Donnie's bed with the softshell. The mutant usually became frustrated with it but never kicked Leo out. It was one of the rare moments when Leon could actually sleep, and even as the nightmares plagued him Donnie was a great cuddler, as much as the turtle hated it. The tiniest of smiles splayed across Leo's face as he thought about Donnie's complaints. Angry about being dragged from whatever project they'd be working on but eventually falling asleep like a milk drunk baby. He felt comforted just by the idea of one of Donnie's rare hugs. Leo wondered what insane project the softshell is working on now, he pushed himself away from the counter to fling open a cabinet. Grabbing two mugs from the upper shelf, and setting them down onto the counter next to the coffee machine. He dragged the bag of sugar out from another cabinet as well as the tub of powdered creamer. Leo slowly fumbled with a tablespoon, scooping two spoonfuls of sugar and placing them into one of the mugs. Donnie liked just a tinge of sweet, no milk. Onto his own coffee he added three creams and two sugars. Leaving it a little more bitter than usual, it helped keep him awake. Leo left the cream and sugar on the counter, letting his laziness win for the moment as he grabbed both mugs. Passing back through the living room and skatepark as he made the turn into Donnie's small hallway. It was quiet for the most part, dark still yet Leo knew the path well. It wasn't until he heard something strange that he paused for a moment. As Leo stood, double fisting coffee, a tired groggy expression slowly rising in confusing. He listened in, turning his head slightly to try and get a better angle. Leo realized it sounded like a couple sniffles. It would stop for a mere second before another followed. Was Donnie crying? Leo's interest peaked as he began to walk again. Trying his hardest to balance the two cups of hot liquid while also trying to speed up. Was he hurt? Maybe Donnie had a nightmare. Leo thought about any possible reason for his older twin to be crying, especially as they didn't cry often. It had to be bad for Donatello to cry over it. Leo quickly arrived at the doorway, quickly peeking his head past the frame to look around. Immediately Leo found Donnie sitting at the desk. Donnie had the biggest room out of all of them, really most of it was his lab. Further back would be a curtain enclosing a sleep area which Donnie rarely visited. Full mugs in both hands, Leo beamed at the softshell who's back was turned to the slider. Head sunken deep into the mutant's palms as their shoulders shook gently with the subtle sounds of sobs. "Donnie?" Leo questioned. His voice barely above a whisper. He didn't want to make anything worse, but he also would prefer if Donnie wasn't left alone. Leonardo knew full well the things a lonely mind went through. Donnie seemed to freeze in place, shoulders stiff as Leo's quiet voice reached him. He didn't respond to Leo, scared to turn around and reveal his ugly crying. Thankfully Donnie didn't have to speak, Leo knew well enough these moments were the hardest to be verbal. "I... I brought coffee. Do you want some?" The slider asked. Taking a step into the room quietly. He wasn't sure what the problem was, but he knew he wanted to be quiet. Donnie's sensory issues had become almost second nature to Leo, and Donnie had become ever grateful. Leo approached quietly as Donnie began to wipe their face with the backs of their hands. Turning in the swivel chair to timidly face Leon, who was setting Donnie's mug onto the desk avoiding the odds and ends on the platform. "How long have you been awake?" Leo questioned, his eyes drifting over the softshell. Watching as his brother tenderly lifted the mug to his beak. With their free hand, Donatello held up all three of his fingers. Three days, Leo couldn't exactly judge him but he knew Donatello must be as exhausted as he was. The slider hummed carefully as he nodded and brought his eyes over to a circuit board. A small handheld tool lay next to it along with a multitude of screwdrivers. Donatello had gently placed the mug down, leaning back into the chair with his head hanging low. Eyes sticking to stare down at their fingers which fumbled together anxiously. "Do you want to talk about it?" Leo asked although he partially knew the answer. Which was confirmed as Donnie shook their head. The slider followed up with another gentle question. "Do you want a hug?" The question was left unanswered for a couple long seconds while Donnie thought on it. Wondering if he actually did want a hug, or if he wanted to peel his skin until he could no longer feel. Eventually Donnie nodded, and Leo didn't hesitate. Leaning down into Donnie's chair as he wrapped his arms over Donnie's shoulders and pulled the sulking turtle into a hug. It was returned with a timid embrace from the softshell, their hands brushing the sides of Leo's shell. The hug went on for a good minute before they each pulled back, but Leo let his hand linger onto Donnie's bicep. "What do you say we get some rest?" He asked, a smile curving upwards against his beak.

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