My Reflection pt1

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(An OC that is supposed to be Leo's love intrest after Leo is forced to kill Usagi which is a beautiful angst for another day. this is pt1 of his origin story and I love him sm)

The glass had a bluish sheen to it. Sanī had spent hours staring past the clear thick walls into the laboratory. But now his eyes were closed, his mind blank. Before this moment Sanī had watched yet another human dragged from their casing behind a pair of double swinging doors. Their frantic screams for mercy, freedom, we're ignored. The voice having faded as it strayed further and further from the room everyone was held in. This happened daily, same time. Each of the prisoners being torn from their cells to be used for whatever inhumane experiments the captors wanted. Sanī didn't know how long he'd been there, but he missed his mom. He missed home. Warm meals, his bedroom, his occasional contraband comics. Even the rigorous training day to day. Often he found himself daydreaming about home. Waking up early, eating a hot breakfast just before his classes. He'd sit on a floor pillow, scribbling down whatever historical nonsense Sanī's mom spewed. Then mathematics. Then he'd practice Japanese and English. And then, he'd train. Sanī wondered what his mom was doing. If she was looking for him, or if she'd accepted his disappearance and moved on already. He felt worried for his mom to be all alone in their small house. He'd lost his dad to the clan war soon after his birth. Sanī never knew his family, only his small house, his mother, and his daily schedule. For hours on end Sanī found comfort in his own imagination, the monotone buzzing from fluorescent lights acted as white noise. Dull emotionless white walls seemed to scowl at him from every direction. The cold floors he laid  upon sending occasional chills over his paling skin. Sanī had lost weight, color, and hope. He had only been waiting for his turn, and it would come soon. The clapping of sharp shoes on tile snapped him out of his daydream. It was always his turn next, he was second in line. A row of circular columns just big enough to sleep if you curled up enough lined the wall. First, it was patient 001. Then, it was him; 002. Then 003, and 004, 005, it stopped at 7. As the patient was rolled back into the large soulless room, Sanī noticed the tired look in the man's eyes. His expression feeble, pathetic. An example of what he was going to look like in the next couple of minutes. But he wasn't prepared for whatever horrors were to come. Sanī had left before he was able to see the side effects on 001.

Hours had passed after Sanī lost consciousness. His eyes opening like old stiff doors, pulling themselves up with a heavy feel to them. The bright mind-numbing lights flooded back to him instantly but it seemed more intense. His ears rang with all too many new sounds, air conditioner, heavy breathing, his heart beat. As Sanī slowly pulled himself up to lean a shoulder against the thick panel glass wall, he blinked a couple times for clarity. He felt groggy and sore. His arms, the soft skin on the inner side of his elbows were aching. A colorful swab of yellow and purple had already formed where the thick needles had punctured his skin. But it seemed his entire body had been strung through a military training course. His muscles screamed with every movement, and along with it came a piercing headache. Sanī shut his eyes faster than he had opened them, his chest heaving a sigh as his prayed this would end soon. Next to him, fellow humans who'd been snatched off the street just as he had been. Some older, some younger, all men. Sanī didn't have much time to ponder on his jail mates. His head suddenly erupted into an explosion of agony. He fell forward, his hands coming up as he pressed his forehead into the floor and his fingers interlocked behind his head. He groaned, chest vibrating with the low sound of his suffering. His mind and body yowled in pain, every breath he took was torment. Sanī didn't remember what they'd done to him. His mind had gone blank as soon as the fluids struck his body. This had to be the side effects of whatever drug they'd injected into his body. The agony only grew if it was even possible. His body burned, every joint, bone, muscle, every skin cell felt like it was set ablaze. Like he was burning alive, melting right off of his skeleton. Sanī felt his body begin to shift, it twisted and molded itself. A scream tore through Sanī's lungs as he felt his joints pop in and out of place as his muscles flexed with an inhuman force. His skin rippled with the movement, pulling on itself. He felt it all, as his bones snapped and blistered, prodding against his skin from the inside out. The room filled with his pained screams with the background sound of everything moving all at once. The pain was horrible, the feeling of his body shifting made him sick. His heart rattled in his rib cage and as his lungs expanded with every breath his skin tore up into flames of agony. His chest rippled and his body sobbed along with him as the salty liquid rolled down his face. Forehead still pressed to the tile, palms next to it downward and flat against the floor. His fingers twisted, twitching unnaturally as they too popped and churned. His skin became raw, as each finger broke itself and pulled away from his palms. Elongating each of them, his skin slowly turned into a pale pink. Never mind his hands and skin, Sanī felt his jaw drop wide but not to scream. It pulled away from his skull, his nose seemed to merge into his lower jaw as something new formed in place. His face becoming something unregistered, something animalistic. As the room echoed his blood curdling screams he felt a new sensation all over his body. The feeling of when your leg falls asleep and gathers pins and needles. His arms grew weak from holding himself up. His muscles firm and tense, every part of him flexed so that even through his covered body his well toned form stuck through. His tears kept following the path down his cheek to his jawline. Collecting into a small puddle beneath him. Soon enough, the screaming stopped. Not a single guard, doctor, scientist had even bothered to peek in at all the commotion. It's like they knew. Like they didn't want to witness the horrors. As the world blurred around him, Sanī felt his shoulders drop. His eyes closed as the pain slowly faded into nothing but a sore memory. Even his headache was gone in a mere couple of seconds. His form collapsed onto the floor of the small confined space. But the cool tinge of tile didn't prick him, instead it was almost soft. Like he laid in thin sheet of cotton. His cheek pressed to the ground as he slowly felt his body subside into exhaustion. And with his eyes closed, Sanī's mind blanked out once again.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2023 ⏰

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