Old memories

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Cortana's POV

As Y/n and I made back to base camp. Y/n has said a word after what just happened in forest for the rest of the way back.

It was awkward, after almost we got amplished by two enemies, but their attacks did nothing, so they fled.

Y/n didn't even follow them, he didn't even need to move that much of an inch.

And yet when they fled one still kept firing arrows nonstop and yet his arrows still didn't effect Y/n.

We didn't want talk about it, so we left it at that. It was quite on the rest of back. I try hard to find a way to change the subject.

At first nothing came to mind, so I kept on trying, until an idea appears to me, but it was not something that he may not want to even talk about, but it couldn't hurt to ask.

Cortana: "Hey Y/n"

Y/n: "Yes?"

We we're both inside base, we in a lab, and Y/n just got done a video log. Now that's something hes been practicing starting from today and it was something to help keep him insane for the next 6 months.

Cortana: "I wanted to ask you something, but I didn't know if you wanted to talk about it"

Y/n: "What is it?"

I look up at him with a nervous expression.

Cortana's mind: hope this works...

Cortana: What was it like here for you and your sister?"

When I said that he froze in silence. I felt awful for asking him and knew this wasn't a good idea.

Cortana's mind: I knew this was a bad idea...

Cortana: I'm so-

Y/n: OK I'll tell you...

I froze, he was going to talk about his sister for first time in probably forever.

Cortana: Are you sure because you don't have to talk about it if you don't want t-

Y/n: Yea it's fine...

Cortana: Ok

Y/n: ... Well Cortana life for me and my sister

FLASHBACK 5 years ago

Today was just like any other day here at hells gate. Quaritch just yelled at me for my training today.

I basically failed my training session with him today. The colonel was always hard on me for some reason but I try to not let him get to me.

Right now I'm in my room trying to brush off my terrible training session with him.

Trudy walks in after finding out what happened with training.

Trudy: hey little bro how you doing after what happened earlier?

I looks up at her and let out a small sigh.

Y/n: I can't believe I did that bad with his training session!

This only makes her smile more. She knew how to cheer me up, with her the older one she knew a thing or two on helping people.

She walks over to sits right next to Y/n and wrap her arm around his shoulders.

Trudy: hey, I know something that could help you forget about today .

I look up at her with confused look. What did she mean by that?

Trapped on Pandora (Female Na 'vi X Male human Reader)Where stories live. Discover now