Chapter 1: Intro

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*This is like an encyclopedia page so, if you want to skip it search for another bold part like this to only see the story part :)*

"In a planet called Araf-nur, there was an element that the civilization of 42463 CE depended on for space travel and energy generation. It was called Zaprize and it could only be grown in Araf-nur.

The people of the Kurab tribes attacked those who tried to make Zaprize mines because it was spoiling the environmental balance of the Kurabites' surroundings. It was believed that the Kurabites were in alliance with the forest snakes, creatures whose scales could withstand almost every material. It's only weakness was a Titanium alloy which was used in the most powerful weapons of that time. The alloy was very rare and could only be found in some parts of a planet called Mis-Tiri.

The Kurabites invented and were the only ones who knew how to make a geoclimatic analytic body suit, also known as a G.A. suit. A person wouldn't be able to survive an hour without one of those suits near Zaprize-containing areas. It regulates body temperature and removes the poisonous gases like carbon monoxide from the exposed forest air. It is these gases in the air and the climate that enabled Zaprize to grow on Araf-nur.

The Kurabites lived in groups or clans in underground chambers as the chambers had a good supply of oxygen and water. Due to this, an advanced ecosystem had formed underground, in which vegetation and wildlife could be found. Because of high exposure to Zaprize, the Kurabites have Gold-ish colored eyes which are specific to their genes and cannot be mistaken for any other color.

Legend has it, these rurals were the cause of the eternal winter. They were said to have cursed the city as the people believe them to be evil and barbaric. Later studies show that the snow caps were simply a result of the altitude of the place." 

*Here's the story part for you!*

The young prince read on, pondering about the vast land that he would one day rule over. He turned to his father and asked,

    "Is it true? Are the Kurabites evil?"

    "Son, I think the Kurab tribes are evil of sorts. Not in the way that witches, wizards and those make-believe villans you see in fairytales..."

    "But the book says that they didn't curse the city with snow. So, how are they evil?"

As the man stared at the innocent eyes of his son, he couldn't answer the question. He could, but he didn't want to. "Exposing a child to the politics of the land... is that necessary for him to know at this young age? The future king must know what goes on in his country. The only problem is how I carry out this conversation."

    "They are evil."

    "How, father?"

    "Have you heard of Zaprize, my dear boy?"

    "Yes, sir. What about it?"

    "The Kurabs keep cutting off the supply of this mineral. The only other place we can outsource it from is Mis-Tiri. We need Zaprize for our technology and communication within the planetary system."

   "Father... don't you think saving the environment of the forest is a good reason to do so?"

    "Are you questioning my judgment, boy?"

    "No, sir. I was just wondering if- "

    "We are not impacted by that environmental damage. It does not concern us. The only thing that does concern us is development of the intellect of our city. And if you don't think so, you may not be fit to be king."

    "But, sir, isn't a king supposed to be good and kind?"

The king, enraged by his son's question, mainly because he saw truth in it. The truth that the civil war between the two spheres of their people might be caused by the ignorance of the rulers before him. "No, it can't be. It mustn't be! There definitely won't be fault in the beliefs of the great rulers before me... right?"

Angered and fuming, he yelled at his son and accused him of "questioning our people's ways". The outburst was replied to with a small, frightened and confused sound. The young man left the room with great speed.

His father later found out that his wife had to pacify and calm the sobbing child. The word spread around the palace quickly and everyone was wondering, "How violent must the anger of the king be to have scared that poor child?" The king surprised himself with his horrid actions and decided to try and keep control of his temper.

His main concern was that the cause of it was that he supported his family's backward methods of suspecting tribals of wrong without knowing their situation... But were they wrong after all? He worried. He did not want his son to get hurt by the outside world. In that process, he himself hurt his son. Will he be able to protect his child from himself?

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